Descendents of Edmund Lovell Ellsworth
Personal Information Submission Form

This information will be used exclusively for Family History purposes, to ensure that as many of Edmund's descendents as possible are properly represented in "The Descendants of Edmund Lovell Ellsworth" 2006 edition and are also contacted regarding the publication of this volume and future family reunions.

Your Origin

From which of Edmund's Wives are you descended? (if known)
Elizabeth Young Mary Ann Dudley Mary Ann Bates Mary Ann Jones
From which of Edmund's Children are you descended? (if known)
Edmund Mary Ann William Abner
Rowennah Albert  George Agnes
Brigham Oliver Fannie Charles
Alice Susan Orson Frank
Luna Asa  Nellie Louis
Mariam Jerome Loretta William
Hannah Julia Ernest
Annie Sarah
Effie  Laura
Ellye  Harry


Your Full Name: 
Your Date of Birth:  (Day Month Year) 
Your Place of Birth:  (City, State) 

Your Spouse

Your Spouse's Full Name: 
Your Date of Marriage:  (Day Month Year) 
Your Place of Marriage:  (City, State) 
Your Spouse's Date of Birth:  (Day Month Year) 
Your Spouse's Place of Birth:  (City, State) 
Your Spouse's Father's Full Name: 
Your Spouse's Mother's Full Name: 

Your Children

(First Child's Full Name)  was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State) .  He/She married (Spouse's full name) on (Day Month Year)  at (City, State of marriage) .  The spouse was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State)  to (Full name of spouse's Father)  and (Full name of spouse's Mother) .

(Second Child's Full Name)  was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State) .  He/She married (Spouse's full name) on (Day Month Year)  at (City, State of marriage) .  The spouse was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State)  to (Full name of spouse's Father)  and (Full name of spouse's Mother) .

(Third Child's Full Name)  was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State) .  He/She married (Spouse's full name) on (Day Month Year)  at (City, State of marriage) .  The spouse was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State)  to (Full name of spouse's Father)  and (Full name of spouse's Mother) .

(Fourth Child's Full Name)  was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State) .  He/She married (Spouse's full name) on (Day Month Year)  at (City, State of marriage) .  The spouse was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State)  to (Full name of spouse's Father)  and (Full name of spouse's Mother) .

(Fifth Child's Full Name)  was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State) .  He/She married (Spouse's full name) on (Day Month Year)  at (City, State of marriage) .  The spouse was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State)  to (Full name of spouse's Father)  and (Full name of spouse's Mother) .

(Sixth Child's Full Name)  was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State) .  He/She married (Spouse's full name) on (Day Month Year)  at (City, State of marriage) .  The spouse was born (Day Month Year)  in (City, State)  to (Full name of spouse's Father)  and (Full name of spouse's Mother) ..

If you wish, please include some very brief biographical information you would like included about yourself or your children in "The Descendants of Edmund Lovell Ellsworth" 2006 edition.  Also please include here any other information we failed to request (such as additional children or death dates, etc.).

Please include any contact information you feel comfortable providing (Phone number, e-mail address, or postal address) so that we may contact you to clarify any questions regarding information you provided here, notify you for the next Edmund Lovell Ellsworth family reunion, and inform you of the publication of this volume.
Thank you, 

Please e-mail me with any questions at or call me at (480) 921-9597.

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