You will need:

  (1) Your ASU Posting ID.
  (2) Your CPS clicker.
  (3) Since you are a new CPS user, you will also need a
      Enrollment Code purchased from ASU Bookstore (either
      the Lifetime Enrollment or One Semester) or Method
      of Payment (Credit card or personal check).


  Enrolling through CPSOnline

    Since you are new to CPS, you will first need to setup a 
    CPSOnline account.  Please follow the instructions below.

    Create an Account
    (1) Go to <== Opens in a new window.  
                                        Keep the current window 
					open for instructions.

    (2) Click on the Students link under Quick Links
        at the right-hand side of the window.
    (3) Select Arizona State University from the drop-down menu.
    (4) Click Choose Site.
    (5) Click Create A New Account. 
    (6) Enter your account information on the first Create Your 
        Account page.  Then select Continue.
    (7) Create a CPSOnline Username and Password on the second
        Create Your Account page.  Then enter your first and last
        names; please use your official ASU first name and last
        names.  A phone number is optional.  Click Submit to
        create your account.

    You've now created a CPSOnline account. You can use your 
    CPSOnline username and password to login anytime to CPSOnline. 
    Now you can enroll your clicker in your class.

    Enroll in a Class
    (1) Click Yes to enroll immediately in your class.
    (2) Enter your Class Key in the space provided.
        The Class Key for PHY101 - Spring 2010 is


(3) Confirm your Class Key. (4) When your Student ID is requested, BE SURE TO ENTER YOUR ASU Posting ID. (5) If you have an Enrollment Code, enter it in the Code box. If you do not have an enrollment code, you may leave this field blank and pay for your enrollment using a credit card, or other method. NOTE for Spring 2010: online is now the only way of paying; the ASU Bookstore is not selling Enrollment Codes this semester. (6) Read the Student Refund Policy and then check the box to confirm that you have read the policy. (7) Click Next. IF YOU ENTERED AN ENROLLMENT CODE SKIP TO STEP 12. (8) Choose a Payment Option, then select Next. Remember that CPS clickers will no longer be used at ASU beginning Fall 2010. (9) Enter your Billing Information. (10) Enter your credit card or check information on the Payment page. (11) Verify and Authorize your payment information. (12) The number assigned to your clicker for this class will now appear on your clicker screen whenever you are in class and have successfully JOINED. You will need that number to determine if your answers are being received during lectures. IMPORTANT: Just because your answers are received during lectures does not mean that you are properly registered; if you do not complete the steps below, then your CPS scores will never be passed to my online gradebook. Be sure to complete step (14) below. (13) If you happen to have two classes at ASU which are using CPS, you might need to join an additional CPSOnline class. If so, click the Enroll in a class button from the main menu. (14) Once you have finished enrolling in all of your classes, go Back to Account Information. At the Account Information page, Select "Update My Profile". Enter your name and other Information and hit Update. You must see the following message (in a yellow box) Please Note: Your profile has been updated. Once you have seen this message, then go Back to Account Information, and then back to Update My Profile one last time to make sure that your name has been saved. Step (14) is vital; if you have trouble with it, click here. Once you have completed this step successfully, you may go Back to Account Information and log out. Thanks. GBA NOTE: If you enroll in more than one class using CPS, your clicker may have a different assigned number for each class. Note your assigned clicker number after you enroll for each class, and use the reminder emails from eInstruction to keep track of your information.