Homework Assignments for PHY-131: Fall 2001
                About one assignment out of three will not be returned 
            before the TEST occurs which covers that material.  If you 
            like to use your homework problems for study material, you
            should make a copy for yourself before turning in those 
            assignments.  For the DUE DATE for the homework assignments 
            for your recitation, see the text of the syllabus.
            Lecture Day  Date     Reading          Problems               Changes
                              Chapter:Sections  Chapter:Numbers 
              1.     M   8/20     22: 1-3         22:   7,23,27,33,55,57
              2.     W   8/22     22: 4-5         22:   40,41,43,44,45,51    
              3.     F   8/24     23: 1-2         23:   4,9,12,15,17,55      
              4.     M   8/27     23: 3-4         23:   24,31,36,37,39,44     
              5.     W   8/29     23: 5           23:   45,47,48,50,59,61    
              6.     F   8/31     24: 1-2         24:   6,7,9,17,18,27     20 --> 27
                     M   9/3      LABOR DAY HOLIDAY
              7.     W   9/5      24: 3           24:   20,26,29,31,33,34  27 --> 20
              8.     F   9/7      24: 4           24:   38,41,45,49,51,56     
              9.     M   9/10     25: 1           25:   5,7,17,22,70,79
                     W   9/12     TEST 1 (assignments 1-8)
             10.     F   9/14     25: 2-3         25:   12,14,19,24,30,34     
             11.     M   9/17     25: 4-5         25:   25,38,40,42,50,H19 51 --> 25
             12.     W   9/19     25: 6           25:   56,57,58,59,60,H43
             13.     F   9/21     26: 1-2         26:   1,7,10,15,16,17
             14.     M   9/24     26: 3-4         26:   25,31,34,37,39,69    
             15.     W   9/26     26: 5           26:   44,48,51,55,66,71
             16.     F   9/28     26: 6           26:   47,52,56,58,60,70     
             17.     M   10/1     27: 1-3         27:   3,7,11,23,30,32       
                     W   10/3     TEST 2 (assignments 9-16)
             18.     F   10/5     27: 6           27:   57,66,73
                                  28: 1           28:   3,6,7
             19.     M   10/8     28: 2-3         28:   15,17,21,24,26,37   
             20.     W   10/10    28: 4-5         28:   43,48,59,60,78,80   
             21.     F   10/12    29: 1-3         29:   1,4,6,22,24,35        
             22.     M   10/15    29: 4-5         29:   44,45,46,52,54,55   
             23.     W   10/17    30: 1-2         30:   2,20,23,59,61,63     
             24.     F   10/19    30: 3           30:   12,13,25,31,32,62
             25.     M   10/22    30: 4           30:   33,37,38,40,41,43    
                     W   10/24    TEST 3 (assignments 17-24)
             26.     F   10/26    30: 5           30:   46,47,52,53,54,57  51 --> 53
             27.     M   10/29    31: 1-2         31:   4,6,11,13,54,57
             28.     W   10/31    31: 3-5         31:   25,30,33,42,44,50  40 --> 44
             29.     F   11/2     31: 6           31:   12,45,46,47,53,61   
             30.     M   11/5     33: 1           33:   5,7,8,9,13,18
             31.     W   11/7     33: 2-3         33:   22,29,31,32,37,40
             32.     F   11/9     33: 4-5         33:   42,46,47,50,52,67
                     M   11/12    VETERANS' DAY HOLIDAY
                     W   11/14    TEST 4 (assignments 25-31)
             33.     F   11/16    33: 6-7         33:   56,59,60,61,62,64
             34.     M   11/19    34: 1-2         34:   2,4,7,11,13,18
             35.     W   11/21    34: 3-4         34:   25,28,35,40,45,47
                     F   11/23    THANKSGIVING FRIDAY
             36.     M   11/26    35: 1         35: 1,F14:4,13,14,23,F15:8
             37.     W   11/28    35: 2-4         35:   5,7,16,17,29,32
             38.     F   11/30    35: 6           35:   47,52,53
                     M   12/3     TEST 5 (assignments 32-38)