NOTE:  In reporting the averages from the test we drop
       the lowest scores.  This is because 20% (1 out
       of 5) of all scores will eventually be dropped.
       In comparing your average with the class average
       you need to compare with an average which is
       representative of the final average.  Dropping
       the lowest scores before reporting the average
       is one way of ESTIMATING the effect of the
       final drops.  These averages are not used in
       any way in computing the final overall class
       average.  GBA

1st test   

         108 students took test 1 

          23 made below 44

          85 scored 44 or more

       for those 85 the average was 69.7

       test 1 grades

2nd test 

          99 students took test 2

          20 made below 32

          78 scored 32 or more

       for those 78 the average was 54.1

       test 2 grades

3rd test  

          80 students took test 3

          15 made below 37

          65 scored 37 or more

       for those 65 the average was 60.8

       test 3 grades

4th test 

           67 students took test 4

           14 made below 36

           53 scored 36 or more

       for those 53 the average was 61.8

       test 4 grades

5th test 

          52 students took test 5

           9 made below 48

          43 scored 48 or more

       for those 43 the average was 69.3

       test 5 grades

Overall Pre-Exam Average   

  66 students have taken four or more tests and have more
     than 100 HW points.  For these 66 students, the
     overall averages are

        test         62.64  (multiply by 0.6 to get # of points)

        HW            8.78

        QUIZ          8.26

     overall         54.6 points out of 80 possible pre-exam points

                or   68.3%  <-- Pre-Exam Average

    Assuming an average of 65 on the final, or 13 out of
20 points, results in a predicted overall average of 67.6.
With this predicted average a possible breakdown of grades
would be:

                49.5 - 60.5   D
                60.5 - 72.5   C
                72.5 - 83.5   B

You should figure your pre-exam total then figure how many
exam points (out of 20 possible) you need to get the grade
SCALE IS ONLY AN ESTIMATE.  The true final grade scale
ultimately depends on overall class exam performance.  Also,
the final grade scale will be selected so as to find gaps
in the final grade distribution.


      Of the 66 students who had taken four or more tests and 
      had more than 100 HW points, 63 took the final exam.
      For those 63 students the final exam average is 

            23.5 out of 40, or 58.8%.


    63 students took 4 or more tests plus the final exam
       and had more than 100 HW points.

       for those 63 here are the averages:

         HW     8.86  (out of 10)
         quiz   8.34  (out of 10)
         test  63.64  (multiply by 0.6 to get #points)

         exam  23.49  (out of 40 - divide by 2 to get #points)

      overall  67.1  (out of 100) <-- Final Average

    The final grade scale was selected so as to find gaps
in the grade distribution.  Here is that final scale:

                    45.3 - 55.9   D
                    56.0 - 68.5   C
                    68.6 - 78.6   B

Letter grades were assigned strictly according to this
scale.  The highest E is 39.9, the lowest D is 45.3;  the
highest D is 54.8, the lowest C is 56.0;  the highest C
is 67.7, the lowest B is 68.6;  the highest B is 77.1,
and the lowest A is 78.7.  The smallest gap between
levels is 0.9 points between C to B.

    Be sure to check your TA's computation of your final grade.
If you find a significant error, please stop by my office.
You should call or email before stopping by to make sure that
I will be there.  I will be off campus from 12/24/03 - 1/1/04.
For information on how to figure your final grade see


Here is the final grade distribution for the 63 students
who took four or more tests plus the final exam, and had
at least 100 HW points.

You may also view this column of grades as a text file.
 111 grade distribution