HW ASSIGNMENTS WITH ARIS

    Please, NEVER use your browser's BACK button in the
  middle of an ARIS session.  The system is designed to
  only move in the forward direction.

    Remember to check the ANNOUNCEMENTS each time you log
  in.  If there are any problems entering answers, I will
  put warnings in the ANNOUNCEMENTS.

    The way things are set up at this time, you will have
  three opportunities to answer each question.  

    Numerical problems will typically be randomized; in
  other words, every time you restart a problem you will
  get exactly the same problem with a different set of
  numbers.  Always use three significant figures in your 
  answers to numerical problems.  Don't try to enter the 
  units in the blank provided, only the number.  Numerical 
  answers must be correct to within 2%.
    After a miss on a MC question, be sure to erase your 
  first try before entering a second try.  MC questions on
  HW assignments are normally worth one point.  Numerical
  questions are worth 5-15 points per part.

    To move from question to question, click on the question 
  number, not the blue button under the number.

  IMPORTANT: After completing all questions in an activity, 
             If you don't SUBMIT the assignment, it will not 
             be credited to you.  After you select the
             "Submit Quiz" button, you will be able to see
             your grade for the activity.

     You can always check the status of your work by going
  to your GRADEBOOK page.

     Good Luck.  I hope you enjoy using ARIS.  GBA