You should check to make sure that your written HW, lab, quiz, 
and test averages have been figured correctly by my programs.
You should also check to make sure that your grades in all of 
these categories have been entered correctly.  If you find an 
error, you have until WED 12/12 at 5 PM to show the corrected 
paper to the TA in question and ask them to change your grade 
in the class gradebook.  Remind the TA that, at this point in
the semester, I will not refresh my online gradebook unless
notified by an email from the TA's.

                 Written HW<>Quiz<>Test<>Lab

Quizzes now complete:  Quiz average is the sum of your best 
                       6 quizzes divided by 6.

Written HWs now complete:  Your HW average is the sum of your 
                           10 written HWs divided by 10.

Labs now complete:  Lab average is the sum of your best 10
                    labs, added to your lab final, then
                    divided by 11.

Tests now complete:  Test average is the sum of your two
                     best test scores divided by two.

The averages that you find at the above pages should be the
same as you find for these categories on the Overall Grades

Your CPS average will be your total CPS points divided by 90%
of the number of CPS points that are possible.  IF YOU HAVEN'T 
GRADE.  Check to make sure that your CPS grade is being recorded.

                       CPS Grades

CPS now complete:  There ended up being 144 counting CPS
                   questions for the semester; but only 
                   125 points, i.e. 86.8% of 144, are 
                   required for a perfect CPS score.  Your 
                   CPS average is your total CPS points 
                   divided by 12.5, with a maximum 
                   CPS average of 10.0.

There were 11 WebAssign homeworks worth a total of 575 points.
You only have to get 500 out of the 575 possible to get 100% 
WebAssign credit.  Your WebAssign average will be your total 
WebAssign points divided by 5.00, with a maximum of 100.  To 
see what your total WebAssign points are, you can go into 
Grades at your WebAssign home page, then select My Scores 
Summary (remember that the percentage given at WebAssign is 
meaningless -- only the total number of points matters).

WebAssign now complete:  You can see your final WebAssign
                         average at our Overall Grades page.

FINAL EXAM grades are now available on your Test Grade page. 

To check the calculation done by my program on any
mid-semester Overall Grades Page, 
do the following:

           Test Average * 0.45

         +  Lab Average * 0.2
         + Quiz Average * 1.0

         +  CPS Average * 1.0

         + WebA Average * 0.1

         +   HW Average * 0.5

         =  Overall Average

To check the calculation done by my program on the
End-of-Year Overall Grades Page, do the following:

           Test Average * 0.30

         +  Lab Average * 0.2
         + Quiz Average * 1.0

         +  CPS Average * 1.0

         + WebA Average * 0.1

         +   HW Average * 0.5

         +  Exam Score / 3.0   (the exam score is out of 45)

         =  Overall Average

To convert your overall average into a letter grade, 
please see the final histogram or the 
final column of grades.  The final overall class 
average is available on the Class Average web page.
Thanks.  GBA