The Posting ID number consist of three parts:
    (1) The last four digits of your Affiliate ID number.
        The Affiliate ID number is the ten-digit number 
	on your Sun Card.  It is also the rightmost
	number on your ASU SunCard.  

    (2)	A hyphen <== the hyphen is absolutely necessary
    (3) The last three digits of your official ASU ID 
        number. The official ASU ID number is the nine-digit 
	number on your Sun Card.  It is also the leftmost
	number on your ASU SunCard.  


All of your 101 grades will be posted by your ASU Posting ID.

Here is an example for a hypothetical ASU student by the
name of Joe Student.

            Joe Student's Sun Card
   | ASU Arizona State                      |
   |     University              Joe's      |
   |                             PHOTO      |   Joe Student's
   |                                        |    POSTING ID
   |                                        |     would be
   |                                        |              
   |    Joe Student                         |     1234-567
   |                                        |
   |                                        |
   |    XXXXXX567  XXXXXX1234               |
   |                                        |
   |                                 SUN    |
   |                                  CARD  |
          /\          /\
          ||          ||
        ASU ID     Affiliate ID

     Joe Student's POSTING ID is 1234-567.
                                  /\   /\
				  ||   ||
  last four digits of Joe's Affiliate  last three digits of Joe's
                               ID           official ASU ID


  OK. Write down your ASU Posting ID.  It should be 4 digits,
  followed by a hyphen, followed by 3 digits, with no spaces.

  Go back to WebAssign Registration.