12/08  The answers for this semester's Test 3 are
       now posted on our class webpage.  Look for
       Test 3 Answers just below the CPS Questions
       link.  Thanks.  GBA

10/08  The Speed of Sound lab description, which
       had been under repair, is now available
       on our Lab Schedule page.  Thanks. GBA

09/21  Another office hour location change was
       unfortunately necessary.  My MON office
       hour has now moved to F452.  F452 is a
       room within F470; ask the receptionist
       in F470 to direct you.  Thanks. GBA

09/04  My FRI office hour is now in F462,
       which is a bigger and better room
       than F452.  Hopefully, this will end
       the office hour changes for this
       semester.  Thanks. GBA

8/18  No Updates Yet.