Any group of 10 OR MORE students may request
a review session at any time.  Rooms are
available generally in the evenings at 7 PM
MON, TUE, and WED and also on FRI afternoon
at 4 PM.  However, review sessions will not be
given on the night immediately before a test.

To request a review session, compile a list of
10 students (with their email addresses), all
of whom must be registered in our PHY131 class,
and who are willing to attend a review session.
Send the list to and request
a time (either 7PM MON, TUE, or WED or 4 PM
FRI).  I will reserve a room and reply.  The
session time will also be posted here.  Once
the session is scheduled, anyone from our class
may attend, but the 10 on the list MUST ATTEND
(their IDs will be checked).  Thanks much. GBA

Scheduled Review Sessions
MON 9/13 7:00 PM PSF-462