The PHY121 WebAssign problems are designed to be
  done in STUDY GROUPS of 2-3 serious students.

    You will receive 10% bonus points for each question
  that you complete more than 48 hours before the
  assignment deadline.

    Please, never use your browser's BACK button in the
  middle of an WebAssign session.  The system is
  designed to only move in the forward direction.

    The way things are set up at this time, you will have
  four opportunities to answer each numerical part of each
  problem.  For Mutiple Choice parts, you only get ONE try.
  To have your answer graded for a single part of a problem,
  fill in only that part and select the button

          "Submit Answer"

  which appears at the bottom of that problem.  If a part
  has been left blank, no submission is charged for that
  part.  To avoid having to hit the submit button too often
  for problems that have many parts, you may often choose to
  fill in three or four numerical parts at a time before
  hitting SUBMIT.  After four incorrect submissions for a 
  single part, the correct numerical answer will be displayed
  for that part.

    Always use three significant figures in your numerical
  answers (unless the program gives other instructions for a
  particular problem).  Numerical answers must be correct to
  within 2% (with rare exceptions which are noted within the
  problems).  Typing in more than three significant figures
  is a waste of your time.  For the rare problem in which
  answers must be correct to a fraction of a percent, enter
  four significant figures; it is always a waste of your time
  to enter more than four sig figs.  To enter a number in
  scientific notation, use the format *.**E**; for example
  5.97 X 10^24 would be entered as 5.97E24.

    NOTE:  There are some questions for which you have to
  "select all true statements."  These are called "Multiple-
  Select" questions; on these questions, you get the usual
  four submissions.

    Approximately 5 minutes after the due date for each
  assignment has passed, you will find a practice version
  of the assignment available.  You may do this practice
  version as often as you like, but no credit will be
  given.  The practice versions are found by going to
  "Past Assignments", then opening each assignment.  At
  the bottom of each randomized question, you will find a
  button that allows you to practice the question as often
  as you like.  If the button doesn't appear immediately,
  just click on the answer box for that question.