101 Lab Policies


  As can be seen in your Lab Schedule, there are eleven labs
scheduled for the semester.  All labs may be attended in
person in PSH-365.  Whenever possible, all labs may also
be attended in your lab TA's Zoom meeting room.  You must
turn in ten labs.  If you turn in all eleven labs, then
the lowest of your eleven lab scores will be dropped.
Make-up sessions are not possible.  You must attend ONLY     <== What to do if
the lab session for which you are registered.               you must miss a lab
EXCEPTION: ONCE (and only once) during the semester, you
may arrange with your lab instructor to attend their lab
at a different time during the week.  To see what
lab times your instructor is teaching, look at the
list of 101 lab sections.

  Lab reports may be submitted in pdf form at Canvas, or
if you attend the next lab in person, you may submit your
previous lab report when you arrive.  Each lab report must
be submitted BEFORE the beginning of your next scheduled
lab time.  The submission pages at Canvas will appear at the
end of the meeting time for the Lab which must be submitted.
Attendance is required; if you neither attend in person, nor
have no record of attending the Zoom meeting, then your
submission for that lab will not be graded.  If you submit
via pdf at Canvas, then your pdf submission must include
all data pages, all pages with answered questions,
and all pages with graphs, all in one single file.

  It is your responsibility to submit a pdf file that is
readable at Canvas.  If the file that you have submitted is
NOT readable at Canvas, then you will receive a ZERO for
that lab; there is no relief provided.  Be sure to use
the Practice Upload assignment available from our main
PHY101 Canvas webpage to practice submitting a readable
file.  Thanks, GBA.

  Lab descriptions are freely available at our Lab Schedule 
webpage.  The tables for recording your data are included
with each lab description, and it is your responsibility to
download the lab description, read it beforehand, and have
it available during each lab meeting.  If you choose to
make pdf submission, then your pdf submissions MUST be
photographs of your data, your answers to questions, and
your graphs written on the actual downloaded and printed
pages of the lab descriptions.  EXCEPTION: If you have a
tablet, then you can arrange to write directly on the
downloaded pdf form and submit that.  If you submit
answers written on plain paper (instead of on the printed
lab descriptions, then you will receive a ten point
penalty for EACH such submission.

                        LATE POLICY

  Late lab submissions will not be accepted by your TA.
Labs submitted in pdf form after the deadline (and thus
marked as late by Canvas) will not be graded.  If you 
are submitting via Canvas, be sure to submit your work
well before the deadline.  The submission pages at Canvas
will appear at the end of the meeting time for the Lab
that must be submitted.


  The lab final will consist of 10 multiple choice questions 
and will count as one lab; the lab final may not be dropped.  
The average of your ten best lab scores and your lab final
will be your lab average.  Your lab average will count as
25% of your overall class grade.

The lab final has been cancelled for Fall 2021. The average
of your ten best lab scores will be your lab average.


  You will work in groups in lab, but please understand that 
working together on a lab project does not mean you have 
permission to copy the work of your lab partner.  Your written 
report must be entirely your own.  You may not copy graphs, 
interpretations of graphs, answers to questions, or any other 
part of a report.  Any copying of these types will be 
considered as a form of academic dishonesty.  Allowing copying 
is just as dishonest as doing the actual copying.  Therefore, 
all individuals involved in such dishonesty will be considered 
equally guilty, so all will receive a zero for that lab grade.

                   LAB GRADING APPEALS

  Lab reports will be graded by your lab TA.  If you wish to
appeal the grading of one of your lab reports, you must
follow these procedures:

(1) First discuss the grading of the report with your TA
    during one of their office hours within no more than
    one week after you have received your graded report
    at Canvas.  If the problem cannot be resolved 
    by this discussion, then follow the steps below:

(2) If you think you deserve more points on a graded report,
    submit an appeal to Dr. Adams IN WRITING, and in pdf form.
    Explain carefully exactly why you deserve more points, and
    ask for as many points as you think your answer deserves. 

(3) I will discuss the report with your TA, and with the other
    lab TA's.  What I demand of the TA's is relative uniformity
    in report grading (everyone should get the same treatment,
    as far as is possible).  We make take no action, in which 
    case I will write a reply to your appeal.  Or we may recall 
    those reports as graded by your TA for regrading.