5/01  The solutions to Test 5 are now available in
      the Noble Library Copy Center.

      My Exam-Week schedule will be similar to my
      regular schedule.  I will have office hours
      as usual.  I will also be available in my
      office during usual class hours and my help-
      study hour.  Mr. Stangel is busy with exams
      this week, so his students should stop by
      my office to get their tests and HW.
      EXCEPTION: I have a dentist's appointment
      at 2 PM on Wednesday 5/02.  I will return
      to the office ASAP once it is over.

4/25  There will be a nighttime help session
      at 7PM in PSF-173 on Thursday 4/26.  No
      test hints will be given, no new material
      will be covered, and I will not do HW
      problems.  I WILL answer your questions
      about concepts that you do not understand.
      Also, Mr. Foy is holding a review session
      in PSH-563 on Thursday between 5:00 and 
      7:00 PM.

4/20  There is an error in the syllabus.  At the top of page 3,
      you will find the following statement:

      "Homeworks which would be due after the final recitation 
       meeting can be turned in at the beginning of the final exam."

      This is incorrect.  These HWs must be turned in at the
      beginning of Test #5 on Mon Apr 30.

4/17  The solutions to Test 4 are now available in
      the Noble Library Copy Center.

4/09  There will be a nighttime help session 
      at 7PM in PSF-173 on Wednesday 4/11.  No 
      test hints will be given, no new material 
      will be covered, and I will not do HW 
      problems.  I WILL answer your questions 
      about concepts that you do not understand.  
      Also, Mr. Foy is holding review sessions 
      in PSH-360 on Tues and Wed between
      3:30 and 5:30 PM.

4/06  The material we are covering for Test 4 is
      slightly different from last year.  On the
      Old Tests, you should not only study 
      Old Test 4, but also MC#1 and Problem #1 
      from Old Test 5.

4/03  There was an error in the posted answers
      to even-numbered problems.  The error was
      in Serway Ch 11, problem 7(b).  The error 
      has now been corrected.  I apologize for 
      any confusion this may have caused.

3/22  The solutions to Test 3 are now available in
      the Noble Library Copy Center.

3/07  There will be a nighttime help session at 7PM
      in PSF-101 on Monday 3/19.  No test hints will
      be given, no new material will be covered, and
      I will not do HW problems.  I WILL answer your
      questions about concepts that you do not

3/01  I made a mistake during Wednesday's lecture.
      In the RAISING THE PENDULUM BOB example I
      said that the bob is raised with constant
      velocity.  This is of course not true.  The
      bob is raised with constant speed.  The
      direction is changing and the acceleration
      of the bob is the speed squared divided by
      the length of the string.  The error doesn't
      change anything that we did. GBA

2/28  HW Problem #10 in Chapter Six has a misprint.
      Part (b) should read as follows.  "(b)  Find
      the work done on the rope by this force."

2/27  The solutions to Test 2 are now available in
      the Noble Library Copy Center.

2/19  There will be a nighttime help session at 7PM
      in PSF-173 on Tuesday 2/20.  No test hints will
      be given, no new material will be covered, and
      I will not do HW problems.  I WILL answer your
      questions about concepts that you do not

2/13  I made a mistake during Monday's lecture.  In our 
      first example, the 4 and 6 kg masses hanging over 
      the pulley, I solved for the acceleration of the 
      system using two different methods.  In method 
      two, we used the full vector notation.  In my 
      explanation of that method, I said that we needed 
      to choose the positive direction in the first 
      step.  This is FALSE.  We can do this, but it is 
      not necessary.  Alternatively, in the first step, 
      we may decide on the direction of the acceleration 
      of each mass, and write our 2nd-law equations so 
      that both sides of each equation are guaranteed to 
      be positive.  This is what we did, so our work was
      correct, but I described it badly.  Happily, when 
      we did the final example, in which the 6 kg mass was 
      put on a 30 degree slope, I did describe this step 
      correctly.  As I said then, if you decide incorrectly 
      for the direction of acceleration, and then you do 
      the work logically, you will get a negative value for
      the magnitude of acceleration, which is nonsense.

2/06  The solutions to Test 1 are now available in
      the Noble Library Copy Center.

1/31  There will be a nighttime help session at 7PM
      in PSF-173 on Thursday 2/01.  No test hints will
      be given, no new material will be covered, and
      I will not do HW problems.  I WILL answer your
      questions about concepts that you do not

1/26  There was an error in the posted answers
      to even-numbered problems.  The error was
      in problem 8, Ch 2.  The error has now 
      been corrected.  I apologize for any
      confusion this may have caused.

1/22  The old tests are now available in the 
      Noble Library Copy Center.