5/06  A copy of the solutions to Test 5 is now
      available at the Noble Library Copy Center.

4/29  In preparation for our test next week, my
      office hours on Wed 4/30 and Fri 5/2 in 
      PSF-462 (usually from 3:40 - 5:00) will be 
      extended.  I will be available until at least 
      7:00 PM to answer your questions about 
      Chapters 12, 14, and 16.

4/22  A copy of the solutions to Test 4 is now
      available at the Noble Library Copy Center.

4/01  A copy of the solutions to Test 3 is now
      available at the Noble Library Copy Center.

3/24  In preparation for the test on Wednesday, my 
      office hours on Mon 3/24 in PSF-462 (usually 
      from 3:40 - 5:00) will be extended.  I will 
      be available until at least 7:00 PM to answer 
      your questions about Chapters 7-8.

2/28  A copy of the solutions to Test 2 is now
      available at the Noble Library Copy Center.

2/27  Next week I will be in Austin, Texas, attending
      the March meeting of the American Physical
      Society, which is particularly for solid-state 
      physicists.  This meeting usually occurs during
      spring break, but that is not the case this year.
      All classes will meet as usual.  Your lectures
      will be given by Prof. Luanna Ortiz.  During my
      office hours, PSF-462 is reserved as usual for
      you or your study group, but of course I will not
      be there to answer your questions.  If you need
      help, please see your TA's during their office 
      hours.  I will return on Sun 3/9.

2/25  In preparation for the test on Friday, my 
      office hours on Wed 2/26 in PSF-462 (usually 
      from 3:40 - 5:00) will be extended.  I will 
      be available until at least 7:00 PM to answer 
      your questions about Chapters 5-6.

2/13  A copy of the solutions to Test 1 is now
      available at the Noble Library Copy Center.

2/10  Comments on the neatness and organization of HW.

           It is to your advantage to make your HW as
      neat as possible.  If your TA can follow your
      logic clearly, then it is more likely that you
      will receive the proper credit for your work on
      the 10 point problems.

           It is also to your advantage to organize
      your HW as clearly and as neatly as possible.
      This increases the likelihood that your TA will
      find all of the one point problems and be able
      to determine that you have made a "good faith
      attempt to solve them."  Please do not simply
      copy down the right answer and then expect to
      receive credit for an attempt to solve any
      particular problem.

           Neatness and good organization is to your
      own advantage as well as a point of consideration
      for your TA and for your fellow students, whose
      papers are being graded at the same time as yours.
      Remember that your TA is grading as many as 100
      HW papers per week.

           Homework that is EXCESSIVELY sloppy and/or
      disorganized, to the point of being extremely
      difficult or impossible to grade, will not receive
      credit, at the disgression of your TA.  In such
      a case the TA will make a copy of your HW paper,
      in case of an appeal to the course instructor.

2/04  In preparation for the test on Monday, my office 
      hours on Wed 2/05 in PSF-462 (usually from 
      3:40 - 5:00) will be extended.  I will be available 
      until at least 7:00 PM to answer your questions 
      about Chapters 1-4.

1/29  The old tests (from Spring 2001) are now available 
      in the Noble Library Copy Center.  They are 
      available with or without solutions.  The 'without 
      solutions' version is useful for giving yourself a 
      timed practice test.

1/22  Many of the dates on the HW schedule distributed
      with the syllabus are incorrect.  The errors are
      only in the dates.  The dates on the lecture
      schedule are correct.  I apologize for any
      confusion this may cause.  The HW schedule on the
      web has the correct dates.  Also a HW schedule
      with correct dates will be available in lecture
      on Fri 1/24 and Mon 1/26.