prs grades<>quiz grades<>HW grades<>overall grades
    ID     T1  T2  T3  T4  average points  exam
0215-396  74  45  66  74  71.333  34.240    23
5705-166  70  58  30  21  52.667  25.280    15
2574-458 120 111   0  75 102.000  48.960    31
1690-044  87  79  81  91  86.333  41.440    18
3378-360  84  81  89  66  84.667  40.640    31
0182-383  78  73  82  94  84.667  40.640    25
7291-894  64  65  53   0  60.667  29.120    17
9271-015 105  95  91  91  97.000  46.560    32
0917-055  72  67  47  53  64.000  30.720    18
5167-421  32  60  72  69  67.000  32.160    13
1654-251  90  90  74  86  88.667  42.560    23
8262-310  90  73  44  16  69.000  33.120    22
7691-967  91  81  73  48  81.667  39.200    22
 average is out of 125; points are out of 60
 exam score is number correct out of 40