05/05  I had forgotten to put the solutions to Test 3
       at the Copy Center.  They have now been added.
       (7:30 PM TH 5/05).

05/04  Copies of the solutions to Test 4 are now
       available at the Noble Library Copy Center.

04/25  Due to connection problems on Monday afternoon, our
       MP homework originally due Mon Apr 25 is now due
       Tue Apr 26.  GBA

04/09  MC Question 12 and Problems 1(B) and 4 on Old Test 3 
       from Summer 2003 are not applicable to this year's 
       Test 3.  These topics will be covered by this year's 
       Test 4.  Please make the appropriate indication on 
       your copy of the Old Tests.  Thanks. GBA

03/16  On Monday and Tuesday of spring break, my email
       was not functioning properly.  If you sent emails
       to me on those days, I might not have received
       them. GBA

02/25  Due to a family emergency, I will be out of town
       for about two weeks.  Prof. Otto Sankey will be
       your lecturer while I am gone.  Test 2 will take
       place as scheduled.  Mike and Kurt will try to
       take care of my office hours in F462.  I will try
       to check email once a day to answer any questions 
       you have about HW problems or MP.  GBA

02/21  Please download the definitions for Current and
       Resistance and bring them with you for Lectures
       11 and 12 on TH 2/24 and TUE 3/01.  I will not
       write these definitions on the overhead as I 
       usually do. GBA

02/09  The correct Due Date for problem E2 of HW7 is
       "at your first recitation meeting after Tue 02/15".
       If you downloaded an early version of E2, you
       may find a different due date.  The due date
       in the current version is the correct one.

01/26  The Old Tests (with Solutions) are now available
       in the Noble Library Copy Center.