5/03  Test 3 grading is now complete.  Grades are posted
      on our class web page.  You can retrieve your graded 
      Test 3 by contacting your recitation instructor.  
      Also, the solutions to the Test 3 questions are now 
      posted on our class web page.  Thanks. GBA

4/26  The equation sheet which will appear on Test 3
      and on the final exam is now available on our
      class web page. GBA

4/24  The links used in lecture are now collected in
      one place and available on our class web page.
      You may find some links there that I did not
      in fact get a chance to use during lectures
      this year.  GBA

3/05  There is a known problem with hotmail if you are 
      having your "@asu.edu" emails forwarded to an 
      "@hotmail.com" address.  This info is from the
      ASU FAQ's.

      "Hotmail assumes that e-mail without anything in 
      the "To:" field is junk mail. myASU/Blackboard 
      (as well as my 101 mailing list program) puts 
      e-mail addresses in the "BCC:" (blind carbon copy) 
      field, not the "To:" field, in order to protect 
      the privacy of e-mail addresses. So Hotmail thinks 
      that all e-mail sent from the Blackboard system 
      (and my 101 mailing list) is junk mail.

      Hotmail filters junk mail and either places it 
      into a folder called "Junk Mail" or deletes it 
      immediately. The safest way to reconfigure Hotmail 
      is to turn off junk mail filtering and delay the 
      deletion of junk mail.

      Turning off junk mail filtering means that all mail 
      will be delivered to your Inbox. You will get e-mail 
      from the myASU system and be able to manually delete 
      the real junk mail that appears."

2/22  For those of you who have textbooks with 
      misprints in the lab section, the exchange day 
      is now firmly set for Monday Feb 26.  Be SURE 
      to be in lecture on that day so that you can
      exchange your text for one without misprints.
      Thanks.  GBA

1/30  I have met with the ASU coordinator of CPS this
      afternoon.  He has confirmed for me that there 
      is a bug in the CPS program.  This bug affects
      only those of you who incorrectly entered your
      Name or Posting ID when you first registered 
      your CPS clicker.  If you have gone back and
      corrected your error, that information is not
      being sent to my gradebook.  If you are
      encountering any other problems with CPS, those
      problems ARE NOT affected by the bug.  Because
      of this bug, CPS questions will continue to be
      practice only for one more week, at which time
      hopefully the bug will be fixed.  Counting CPS
      questions will begin MON Feb 5. Thanks. GBA