The Posting ID number consist of three parts:
    (1) The last four digits of your Affiliate ID number.
        The Affiliate ID number is the ten-digit number 
	on your Sun Card.  It is also the rightmost
	number on your ASU SunCard.  

    (2)	A hyphen <== the hyphen is absolutely necessary
    (3) The last three digits of your official ASU ID 
        number. The official ASU ID number is the nine-digit 
	number on your Sun Card.  It is also the leftmost
	number on your ASU SunCard.  

        Please see the example below.  Thanks.  GBA

Here is an example for a hypothetical ASU student by the
name of Joe Student.

            Joe Student's Sun Card
   | ASU Arizona State                      |
   |     University              Joe's      |
   |                             PHOTO      |   Joe Student's
   |                                        |    POSTING ID
   |                                        |     would be
   |                                        |              
   |    Joe Student                         |   1234-567
   |                                        |
   |                                        |
   |    XXXXXX567  XXXXXX1234               |
   |                                        |
   |                                 SUN    |
   |                                  CARD  |
          /\          /\
          ||          ||
        ASU ID     Affiliate ID

     Joe Student's POSTING ID is 1234-567.
                                  /\    /\
				  ||    ||
  last four digits of Joe's Affiliate   last three digits of Joe's
                               ID           official ASU ID


  OK. Write down your ASU Posting ID.  It should be 4 digits,
  followed by a hyphen, followed by 3 digits, with no spaces.

  Go back to WebAssign Registration.