5/05  The answers for this semester's Test 3 are
      now posted on our class webpage.  Look for
      Answers for Test 3 just below the CPS
      Questions link.  Thanks.  GBA

2/12  Dr. Adams' office hour for today, THU 2/12,
      has been canceled. Office hours will resume
      as usual tomorrow, FRI 2/13. Thanks. GBA

1/07  To find the Class Key that you need to register
      your CPS clicker, go to our CPS Information
      page and follow the Registration links.  
      Labs begin MON Feb. 2.  Recitations (the 50-min
      once-a-week class on your 101 schedule) begin
      with the 11:50 MON recitation on MON Jan 26.
      The MON 7:30 recitation meets for the first time
      on MON Feb. 2.  Thanks.  GBA

1/06  No Updates Yet.