Here are the office hours for the PHY241 TAs.

 Jeffrey Hyde 
       MON  9:00-10:10  GW523 (moves to F186 after it opens)
       WF   4:00- 5:00  GW523 (moves to F186 after it opens)

 Extra Exam Week Hours from Jeffrey

  Wednesday 12-3, PSF 186, Conference Room C, to ask questions
  about Test 3 or about any other course material. (Come any time
  during this block, but bring questions. I will not prepare
  material to go over.)
  [Different location, and one hour longer than I originally said in recitation.]

  Thursday 12-1 or after 4, Goldwater 523, to pick up Test 3.
  [Same as what I said in recitation.]

 Thanks much Jeffrey.