Success in the portion of our class covering vectors and kinematics is determined by your being able to accomplish the tasks listed below. The major objectives are listed by number. The list under each major objective includes both subtopics of that objective (usually topics which are required for a complete understanding of that major objective) and also the multiple representations of the task in which you are expected to be proficient. 1. Add or subtract vectors in two dimensions. Geometric addition Addition using algebra and trigonometry Unit vector notation Magnitude and direction notation Rotated coordinate systems 2. Apply the definitions of velocity and acceleration to motion in up to two dimensions. Differential and integral forms of the definitions. Algebraic definitions of displacement, average velocity, average speed, and average acceleration Motion and Vector diagrams Graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration versus time. Equations of position, velocity, and acceleration versus time. Quantitative calculations for: Any motion in two dimensions with constant acceleration. Any motion in one dimension given either position, velocity, or acceleration versus time. Uniform Circular Motion 3. Apply an understanding of vectors and kinematics to translate between observations in two different inertial frames of reference, in up to two dimensions. Definition of an inertial frame of reference