1)  No cell phone use of any kind is allowed during the
    test.  Your phone MUST be stored either in your bookbag,
    purse, or pocket and cannot be placed on table or floor.

2)  No headphones or earbuds of any kind may be used during
    the test.

3)  Leave your test face down until allowed to begin.  You
    must read and sign the statements of academic integrity
    before beginning your test (you may do this while we
    are waiting to start).

4)  You must write all answers on the cover sheet; you may
    tear this sheet off while working, but it must be
    stapled to the front of the test when you turn it in.   

5)  Raise your hand if you have a question.

6)  Your calculator may not contain stored physics equations.

7)  Your constants and equations are on the reverse side of 
    the cover sheet.  Any blank space on the test itself may
    be used as your scratch paper.