First figure your test grade.  Maximum test average is 10.0.
Divide your test average by 10.  For mid-semester grades, tests
count 61% of your overall grades, so your points from tests are
your test average divided by 10 and then multiplied by 61.
For end-of-year grades, tests count 44% of your overall grades,
so your points from tests are your test average divided by 10 and
then multiplied by 44.  Save this number, which is your total
points from tests.

    Next figure your recitation exercise grade.  Maximum is 10.00.
Divide your recitation exercise average by 10 and then multiply
by 3, since recitation exercises are 3.0% of your overall grade.
Save this number, which is your total points from recitation

    Next figure your quiz grade.  Maximum quiz average is 25.0.
Divide your quiz average by 25 and then multiply by 15, since
quizzes are 15% of your overall grade.  Save this number, which
is your total points from quizzes.

    Next figure your classwork grade.  This is simple.  Classwork
is worth 5% of your overall grade, and your classwork average is 
out of 5.00.  So simply save your classwork average, which is
your total points from classwork.

    Next figure your homework grade.  Your HW percentage is
your total number of HW points divided by the number of HW points
which are possible.  This semester there are 1875 possible HW
points for the entire semester.  However, we figure the final
HW percentage out of only 1685 HW points (about 90.0% of all
possible HW points).  Maximum HW percentage is 100%, i.e. more
than 1685 HW points still counts as 100% HW percentage.  Divide
your total HW points by 1685 (for mid-semester grades, instead
of 1685, use the "points needed for 100% HW credit as report on
our HW grades page), with a maximum of 1.00, then multiply by
10 since HW is 10% of your overall grade.  Save this number,
which is your total points from HW.

   Next figure your reading quiz grade.  This is simple.  Reading
quizzes are worth 6% of your overall grade, and your RQ average is 
out of 6.00.  So simply save your reading quiz average, which is
your total points from reading quizzes.

   Finally, if this is an end-of-year calculation, figure your total
points from the final exam.  Your exam score is out of 40, and the
final exam counts 17% of your overall grade, so divide your exam
score by 40 then multiply by 17.  Save this number, which is your
total points from the final exam.

   Now add all your total points.  For mid-semester, you are
adding test points + recitation exercise points + quiz points +
classwork points + homework points + reading quiz points.  For
end-of-year, your must add the exam points on to this total.
Thanks.  GBA

   Any student who earns 80% of all possible points can expect to
receive an A of some type (A-, A, or A+); students who earn 65-80%
of all possible points can expect to receive some type of B, and
students who earn 50-65% of all possible points can expect to
receive a C or C+.  The letter grade cutoffs may be lower than 
those posted here, but are unlikely to be higher.  At the end of
the semester, see the Final Histogram on our Overall Grades page
to see where the final plus-minus cutoffs lie.  Thanks. GBA