1)  If you enter after test distribution has begun, then
    you are required to sit in row A.

2)  Tests are distributed from the eastern end of each row.
    Adjacent students must have different color tests. Make
    NO MARKS on your test until asked to begin.  Leave any 
    extra tests in a stack at the western end of your row.

3)  Instead of entering your ASU Posting ID, you may enter
    your seating row and approximate seat number.

4)  No cell phone or smartwatch use of any kind is allowed.
    Your phone MUST be stored either in your bookbag, purse,
    or pocket and cannot be placed on table or floor.

5)  You must provide your own calculator (not a smart phone).

6)  For the free response, you must give your explanation in
    the proper format.

7)  When finished, take your completed test to the TA station
    near the end of row G, and put your test INSIDE THE
    ENVELOPE for your recitation section.