First figure your homework grade.  Keep your returned HW papers
in case your instructor makes a mistake in recording your grade.
Also check your recorded grades occasionally on the web.  Keep a
running total of your HW grades, plus a running total of the number
of HW points possible.

     Your HW percentage is your total number of HW points divided by
the number of HW points which are possible.  If I have counted correctly,
there are 332 possible HW points for the entire semester.  However,
we will figure the final HW percentage out of only 250 points.  You 
can't get more than 100% though, so once you have 250 points you don't
need to turn in any more HW, unless you just like to have your HW

     As an example, say you have earned 240 HW points for the semester.
Your HW percentage would be:

             240/250  = 96%

HW is worth 10 points overall, so you would have earned 9.6 HW points.
We round all point calculations to the nearest tenth of a point.

     OK, now figure your quiz grade.  We grade quizzes out of 10 points
and we take your best 10 of 12 quizzes.  Say your best 10 quizzes total
up to 79 points.  Quizzes are worth 20 points overall so your quiz
points for the semester are 2 * 7.9 or 15.8.

     Next, figure your demo problem grade.  We won't post these until
after everybody has given their demo; so, until then, in order to get 
this grade you'll have to ask your TA.  The demos are graded out of
50 points.  Say your demo grade is 42.  Since the demo problem is
worth 5 points overall, your overall demo point total is 4.2.

     Now figure your test total.  Take your best 4 tests and average
them and mutiply by 0.5.  For example, say your test grades are 79,
85, 89, 72, and 95.  Your test average is then

     (79+85+89+95)/4 = 87

We now multiply by .5 since the Tests are worth 50 points overall.

     87 times 0.5 = 43.5 

     OK, now you have your pre-exam total.

                 HW      9.6
                 QUIZ   15.8
                 DEMO    4.2
                 TEST   43.5

                total   73.1

The pre-exam maximum is 85 points, so your pre-exam percentage is

           73.1/85 = 86.0%

     Will you be able to get an A?  That depends on what the final
grade scale is.  I start with no curve.  That is 

                 90 and above           A
                 80-90                  B
                 70-80                  C
                 60-70                  D
                 below 60               E

If the class average is 75 or higher, there is no change.  If the
class average falls below 75, I feel obliged to relax this scale
somewhat.  Look at 
last year's web page
to get an idea for what this year's scale might be.  I will make 
a guess at the final grade scale during the week before the exam, 
but the true final grade scale ultimately depends on overall class 
exam performance.

     Let's get back to our example.  You have 73.1 points going in
to the exam.  The exam is worth 15 so the best you can do is 88.1,
not enough to get an A if the class average is 75 or higher.  On
the other hand, you need at least 6.9 points from the exam to insure
yourself of a B.  The exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions,
so you need to get at least (6.9/15)*40 right, or 19 out of 40 to
insure yourself of a B.  (18 out 40 would give you (18/40)*15=6.75 
points, not enough.)