7/04  You may retrieve your graded Test 4 by
      stopping by my office during my office
      hours (1-2 daily).  The key for Test 4
      will be available in the Noble Library
      Copy Center sometime Monday afternoon.

6/30  Error on HW Schedule for July 1 and 2.
      The HW assignments for these two days are
      reversed; i.e. the "Simple Harmonic Motion"
      HW should begin with problem 6, and the
      "Small Oscillations" HW should begin with
      problem 32.

6/26  In the HW for Friday June 27, please drop
      Chapter 14 problem 23 and add Chapter 14
      problem 8.

6/26  The solutions for test 3 are now available
      at the Noble Library Copy Center.

6/23  For June 24, please drop CH 12 #11 and add the
      following problem.  This problem has also been
      added to the Online Problems for June 18 - 24.

      A metal ball is to be rolled down a track 
      inclined at an angle theta with respect to the 
      horizontal, starting from rest.  The track is a 
      pair of rails, with the separation distance 
      between the two rails equal to the radius of the 
      ball.  (a) Find the acceleration of the ball 
      after it is released.  (b) Find a_x the 
      horizontal component of the acceleration of the 
      ball after it is released.  (c) Find the angle 
      theta for which a_x is a maximum.

6/19  Please make the following addition to HRW 
      Chapter 11, problem 58.  This has also been 
      added to the online problem page for 
      June 18 - 24.

58. You must do problem 58 twice, once using 
    Newton's Laws, and once using Conservation of 
    Energy.  So add parts (c) and (d), in which you 
    use Newton's Laws instead of Energy Conservation 
    to do exactly the same problem as in (a) and (b).

6/18  The solutions for test 2 are now available
      at the Noble Library Copy Center.

6/13  In the HW for June 16, please drop Ch 8 #32 and 
      add the following problem from Serway (this has 
      also been added to the Online Problems for June 
      10 - June 16).

56.  A 10-g mass is attached to the end of an 
     unstressed, light, vertical spring (k = 49 N/m) 
     and then dropped.  Answer the following questions 
     by considering the potential energy due to the 
     spring plus the potential energy due to gravity, 
     i.e.  measure distances from the equilibrium 
     position of the spring with no mass attached. 
     (a)  What is the maximum speed of the falling mass?  
     (b) How far does the mass drop before coming to 
     rest momentarily?  (c) Repeat (a) and (b), but 
     answer the questions by considering the potential 
     energy of the spring with the mass attached, i.e. 
     measure distances from the equilibrium position 
     of the spring with the mass attached.

6/11  The solutions for test 1 are now available
      at the Noble Library Copy Center.

6/08  There is an error in the HW schedule for June 13.  
      Please drop Ch 7 #22 from that day's list and add 
      Ch 8 #18.  (Ch 7 #22 is correctly assigned in the 
      HW for June 12.)

6/02  The Old Tests, both with and without solutions,
      are now available in the Noble Library Copy Center.

5/30  Please make the following additions to the
      HW assignment for Mon 6/02:

      HRW - CHAPTER 2
      12. (g) Find the acceleration of the particle at t = 10 s.
      HRW - CHAPTER 3
      24. (d) Also find the solution graphically.