6/25  The solutions for Test 3 are now available
      at the Noble Library Copy Center.

6/17  The solutions for Test 2 are now available
      at the Noble Library Copy Center.

6/14  The answer to problem P 7:36 was posted incorrectly.
      Please find the correct answer posted below:

      36. (a) zero    (b) -112 W <== this answer originally
                                     posted incorrectly;
                                     corrected at noon 6/14

6/08  There is a misprint on the HW Schedule
      for June 9.  P 6:48 is incorrect; it
      should be P 6:49.
6/08  The solutions for Test 1 are now available
      at the Noble Library Copy Center.

5/28  The Old Tests, with solutions, are now 
      available in the Noble Library Copy Center.