5633-002     92   91   94   94   90   95 92.67   A   
7706-664     90   84   98  100   97   95 94.00   A   
8044-579     91   85   98   97   99   97 94.50   A   
7195-906     87   82   94   95   91   95 90.67   A-  
5532-102     88   82   91   98   97   95 91.83   A   
9391-790     89   84   98  100   93   95 93.17   A   
9990-186     91   84   94   95   89   92 90.83   A-  
4759-017     92   91   91   89   97   95 92.50   A   
0004-676     92   92   98   97   93   95 94.50   A   
2836-726     89   96   98  100   99   96 96.33   A+  
0738-404     90   82   98   97   91   94 92.00   A   
2585-045     89   96   98   96   89   92 93.33   A   
9875-069     89   78   99  100   93   95 92.33   A   
9313-474     90   82   91   98   91   91 90.50   A-  
8051-811     88   77   94   95   98   97 91.50   A   
8927-945     89   77   91   98   95   98 91.33   A   
1775-535     88   96   91   97   91   95 93.00   A   
2113-943     87   78   91   91   91   91 88.17   B+  
7555-970     91   83   92   91   95   98 91.67   A   
9761-781     91   90   98  100   95   98 95.33   A+  
2899-642     88   82   99  100   99   97 94.17   A   
3141-382     87   94   99  100   97   95 95.33   A+  
1787-922     90   83   99  100   95   98 94.17   A   
8743-780     88   82   90   91   90   95 89.33   B+  
 AVG is your current average, i.e. the average for 6 labs
 GRADE is your final letter grade
 If you find an error please see me and/or the relevant TA either on
 Friday or no later than 11 AM July 5th - GBA