6820-220     88   71   92   95   94   94 89.00   B+  
4533-860     90   92   96   99   90   97 94.00   A   
9367-155     95   70   96   98   75   96 88.33   B+  
4870-187     87   68   93    0   85   95 71.33   C   
2318 950     79   94   97   99   75   95 89.83   B+  
7900-996     91   84   96   99   88   96 92.33   A   
5146-647     89   81   97   98   94   95 92.33   A   
3177-402     80   95   96   98   94   95 93.00   A   
8531-754     80   95   91   95   87   97 90.83   A-  
3002-084     86   70   95   97   88   97 88.83   B+  
1021-407     89   82   87   94   77   96 87.50   B+  
5029-389     90   92   96   99   91   93 93.50   A   
8130-809     91   84   96   99   90   96 92.67   A   
6296-531     95   70   97   99   94   95 91.67   A   
2938-556     90   83   92   95   89   93 90.33   A-  
5915-128     88   82   92   94   90   97 90.50   A-  
5348-941     90   91   93  100   86   97 92.83   A   
3685-902     91   83   95   97   75   95 89.33   B+  
6423-443     90   91   97   98   88   95 93.17   A   
2036-469     95   71   96   99   88   97 91.00   A-  
6439-354     85   95   94   96   87   96 92.17   A   
7574-900     88   81   95   96   89    0 74.83   C   
 AVG is your current average, i.e. the average for 6 labs
 GRADE is your final letter grade
 If you find an error please see me and/or the relevant TA either on
 Friday or no later than 11 AM July 5th - GBA