In the summer, Help Study is your most valuable 
resource.  It is open from 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM five
days per week in PSF-186; it is staffed by myself
or one of our TAs four hours per day (except test
days), from 11:40 - 4:00.  Please take advantage
of this resource.  Get in a study group with students
from your recitation and/or lab and do the daily
HW assignments together in Help Study.
My office hours will be in the Help-Study room
everyday (except test days) from 11:40 until
12:40.  Your TAs will also have their office hours
in the Help-Study room. For personal issues you 
may wish to make an appointment to meet with me
in my office, PSH-551.  

TA Help-Study Schedule
Gary Adams          11:40 - 12:40
Jonathan Wyllie     12:40 -  1:40
Jeffrey Hyde         1:40 -  2:40
Robert Strausbaugh   3:00 -  4:00


Due to scheduling conflicts, there may be
adjustments to the Help-Study schedule:

            None so far