Follow these instructions to check if your Turning Point
 registration for our class is complete and correct.
 Thanks. GBA

   1. Go to your Turning Point account.  For this check,
      you may either go to your account through Canvas
      (see the instructions for Step 1 on our Registration
      webpage), or you may go directly to your TP account

   2. Make sure you are on the Profile tab of your
      Turning Point account page (see the menu at the
      top of that page). Under Learning Management System,
      verify that your account is connected to ASU Canvas.
      You should see Canvas with a green check mark. If
      your account is not connected, you must now return
      to Step 1 of our License and Registration page.

   3. Also within Profile, check that your First Name and
      Last Name are your official ASU first and last names.

   4. Now look at Subscriptions within Profile.  Check
      that your Turning Point Subscription is active with
      an Expiration date which is after our class ends.
      If all that you see under Subscriptions is
      Add/Purchase a Subscription, then you still must
      buy and redeem your Turning Point License.

   5. Now look at Response Devices within Profile.
      If you plan to use a clicker to answer questions
      in our class, then it must be registered here.
      If all that you see is Mobile ID, then you must
      use a smartphone to answer questions.  (If you
      do not even see Mobile ID, then there is a
      problem with your TP Subscription.)  If you do
      have a registered clicker, double-check that 
      your registered Clicker ID matches the 6-digit
      ID which appears on the back of your clicker.

        To add a Clicker ID, enter yours in the proper
      space under Response Devices and then click Add.
      Enter your ResponseCard ID as found on back of
      your clicker.  Device IDs use UPPERCASE characters
      A-F and numbers 0-9 only.  Device IDs for Clickers
      are six digits.

               001ad3                         001AD3

   6. If steps 2-5 are complete and correct, then your
      clicker or ResponseWare software should be able
      to successfully enter answers in our class and
      have them passed to my online gradebook.  As a
      final check, take a look at the TP grades on our
      class webpage every SUN evening to make sure that
      your answers are being graded and passed to me.
      Thanks much, GBA.