Policy on turning in assignments late:

This is my "no questions asked" late policy:  I will accept late papers on one condition: that they get turned in BEFORE the graded papers are handed back. You should turn in late assignments to Janelle in PEBE 107B and have her stamp the date and time.  The deduction begins at 10:40 AM on the day the assignment is due and is 5% for each 24 hour period. Don't come to class late expecting to turn in an assignment on time.  It is already late!  For example, if an assignment is due on a Thursday, you have the rest of the day on Thursday up until Friday at 10:40 AM to turn it in for 5% off.  If you turn it in on Friday but later than 10:40 AM (e.g., 10:50 AM) it is 10% off.  Saturdays and Sundays don't count, so in this example, Monday before 10:40 AM is still 10% off and Tuesday before 10:40 AM is 15% off, etc.  If you turn it in after the graded papers are handed back you will not be able to turn in this exact assignment for credit.  However, you can do a makeup assignment for a maximum of 50% credit (see below). 

Policy on makeup assignments (and quizzes):

If you miss an assignment (or quiz) or score less than 50% on your first try you are eligible to make up that assignment (or quiz) for up to 50% maximum credit.  If this applies to you please see me for a makeup quiz or a substitute written assignment.  There is no excuse for missing an assignment or quiz altogether!  Do not accept scores less than 50% on anything.  See me for details.