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Instructor: Bruce Matsunaga
Class Line # 58498
Meets daily @ 7:40-9:20, ECG G319

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Glossing Your Ideas

Glossing is a method that can be used by writers to assist them in forming the concept of their papers. It names the main idea shared by a group of sentences in a paragraph and allows the writer to see if this idea is related and supports the concept of his paper. A gloss can be either a single word, phrase or sentence.

Note: as a general rule, each paragraph should contain only one idea.

One simple way to gloss is to take a section or a few sentences from the paper and ask the following questions:

* How does? * Who does? * Why?
*What? * When? *Where?

The answers to these questions should be written in the margin of your draft. These answers should also be written in your own language. If there is a discrepancy between the answers and your intentions for your paper then editing must be done.

Glossing particularly helps students in crafting a coherent and well-organized paper.

What is my thesis? (i.e., what is the general idea I am trying to express, argue etc.)

Is my thesis coherent? If not, why not?

Is the thesis included in the introduction? If not, where is it?

Do my paragraphs follow this main idea or thesis? If not, where do they diverge from the thesis?

Do I have topic sentences?

Do these topic sentences follow the thesis? If not, where do they diverge from the thesis?

Why did I order the paragraphs this way?

Is the order logical? Why or why not?

Does the conclusion summarize my paper in a different way than the introduction? If so, how so?

Based loosely on the University of Richmond’s Writer’s Web glossing exercise.
