ENGLISH 294: Introduction to Computing in the Humanities

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Web Portfolio Assignment
ENG 294
Bruce Matsunaga
13 November 2001
Date Due: December 3

The web portfolio assignment is designed to help you reflect on what you have learned this semester and how you might continue to build your skills in the future. Learning is most satisfying when it relates to the individual in ways that are not limited to the confines of a classroom. In this class, we are fortunate in the fact that what we have learned and the products of that learning are things that are not only useful for our careers but are also things that can be shared with our family and friends. When is the last time your friends got excited over a scantron test? The web portfolio is a place where you can show others and yourself what you have learned this semester. It will also serve as a useful site to direct potential employers to when you wish to establish computer literacy.

Three skill areas I have focused on during this class are:

Technological career readiness
Oral presentation with technology
Information and computer literacy

Portfolio requirements:
Your portfolio should consist of a working web site that identifies itself as your portfolio site. The style and appearance of the site should reflect your creativity and personality. You can add personal information and pictures if you wish. You will present your portfolio on the 3rd.

You should include the following sections:
· A home page that identifies your portfolio and provides links to the pages
· Your resume
· A web version of your PowerPoint presentation with a brief explanation
· A selection of your favorite Photoshop images (saved for the Internet) with explanations of how you modified them
· Reflection and self-evaluation essay

Explanation of the reflection and self-evaluation essay:
This essay consists of two parts, part one is a reflection with examples on your personal and technological growth over the semester; part two is a qualitative and quantitative self-evaluation on your work. You should use the three skill areas outline above in your discussion. For those of you who want a page number to shoot for, try for 2 double spaced pages or around 500 words.

Tips for part one:
Think about where you were with technology when you started the course compared to where you are now. For some of you, there might be huge leaps in skill level or small leaps, but both are significant. You could include the learning of a few new skills or tricks. The reflection could capture your feelings of resistance towards technology and whether they have been abated, or you might reflect on a greater sense of mastery with a given program or concept. Be sure to include what you think you might use your new skills for in the future. In any case, use specific examples in your writing.

Tips for part two:
If this sounds like you are arguing for a grade, you are right. Treat this section as such with concrete examples of what you learned and why you deserve the grade that you propose. Be honest. It is no use saying that you put 110% effort into the class if you clearly did not. That said, no student can put 110% effort into one class all the time when they are taking other classes, I know that. You may reference or repeat some of the examples you use in part one, but I would hope you could come up with more examples. :-)

Please post your URL to WebBoard.

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