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Post - Semester Survey



For the following questions, please select the most suitable response.

1. What is your level of familiarity with computers now at the end of the term?

2. How would you describe your knowledge of the Internet

3. How would you describe your knowledge of web applications

4. Do you have an existing web page?

5. Should the course have devoted more classtime to any of the following topics?:

Class discussion of theoretical topics
Class discussion of theoretical applications
Lecturing on theoretical topics
Lecturing on the application of theory to literature
No, the time devoted to all these topics was just about right

6. Should the course have devoted more classtime to any of the following forms of technological skills' development?:

Researching information online
Creating and developing websites with Dreamweaver
Using Adobe Photoshop
Using PowerPoint
No, the time devoted to all these technological skills was just about right

7. Should the course have devoted less classtime to any of the following forms of technological skills' development?:

Researching information online
Creating and developing websites with Dreamweaver
Using Adobe Photoshop
Using PowerPoint
No, the time devoted to all these technological skills was just about right

8. Are you now more likely or less likely to continue to develop your information technology skills in the future?:

More likely. Which ones?:
Less likely. Please explain:
Taking this course has had no impact on the likelihood of my continuing to develop information technology skills.

9. Would you have preferred to take a non-technology related theory course?

Yes. Why?:
No. Why?:

10. Describe what has worked well for you in this course?

11. What suggestions do you have for future versions of this course?

12. What was the most difficult aspect of this course?

If you selected "Other", please let us know your response:

