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Mildcats at ASU Adoption Application

We are excited that you are considering adopting one of our cats and we appreciate your going through our application process! While we realize that the application process might seem a bit tedious, it is not intended as a personal interrogation. Rather, it is our duty to ensure that our cats are matched to appropriate homes and that our adopters are matched with cats suitable to their lifestyle and personality. If you have any questions about the application process, please—feel free to ask at any time! Thank you.

Have you read the mission statement and background of Mildcats at ASU?

IMPORTANT: If you have not read our mission statement and background information, please do so before continuing with the application. You may visit our website at or you may request a pamphlet from a Mildcats volunteer.

1) Name:

2) Address:

3) Telephone Number:

4) E-mail Address:

5) Names and relationship of other individuals living with you:

6) Do you currently have any pets?

7) If you currently have pets, please provide the following information. If you do not currently have pets, please proceed to question 8.

A) Please provide the name, type, breed, and age of any pets that you have:

B) How do your pets behave around cats?

C) If you are unsure how they get along with cats, are there any issues that should be noted? (e.g., dominant or aggressive behavior in cats or dogs, a pronounced prey drive or herding instinct in dogs, the safety of any pet birds, mice, hamsters, etc.)

D) Do your pets stay indoors, outdoors, or both?

E) Do your pets have any behavioral issues? What is your approach to dealing with the issues? (e.g., obedience training, etc.)

F) Do you know how you might introduce a new cat to your existing pets? (not to fear--we can offer some advice in this area!)

G) What is the name of your veterinary clinic?

8) Excluding those you currently have, please list any pets you’ve had in the past ten years and what became of them.

9) Your household:

A) Has everyone in your household been informed of your intent to adopt a cat?

Does everyone in your household agree to having a cat?

B) Do you have any children living at home?

If so, what are their ages?

C) If you have children under the age of ten, have they had pets before?

D) How are your children taught to handle pets?

E) So far as you know, does anyone in your home have an allergy to cats?

Is there anyone in your home who has not been exposed to cats before?

If allergies do arise, how do you intend to deal with the issue?

F) If you are renting, does your community allow cats?

G) Do you foresee any major lifestyle changes in the future? (e.g., starting a family, relocating, moving in with your partner, separating from your partner, getting new furniture/carpet, changing work hours, etc.)

If so, how will you fit your cat in with your plans?

H) We all know that life offers unforeseen twists and turns. Are there any circumstances that might compel you to give up your cat? If so, what?

10) Do you have any preference for a cat in terms of the following? If so, why? (Remember--there are no “right” or “wrong” answers here—we just want to ensure that you and your cat are a match!)

A) Gender:

B) Hair length:

C) Appearance:

D) Age:

E) Temperament (lap cat, mellow, a feline Marlon Brando, reserved, playful, loud, quiet, outgoing, Jim Carrey with fur, the self-appointed center of the universe, etc.)

11) Are there any other things that you would like us to know about you? Do you have any questions to ask of us?

Once again, thank you for taking the time to fill out our adoption application.



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