Morris A. Okun


Department of Psychology

Current Research Projects

Commitment to College

Socio-emotional classroom climate and institutional commitment among freshmen (with Barbara Huff)

Overcoming American Indians diffficulties in Introduction to Psychology (with Anna Berlin and Kathryn Johnson)

Socioeconomic status differences in success in college (with Sarah Herrmann and Virginia Kwan)

Health and Well-being

Chronic pain and The enterprise of living: Self-Regulatory and Goal Mechanisms (1R21NR010752 - 01A2 (Karoly, PI), National Institute of Nursing Research, 7/1/09 - 6/30/11.

The influence of parental versus peer social control on exercise behavior (with John Pugliese)

Distinguishing between adults with chronic pain who work and who are on disablity (with Paul Karoly and Linda Ruehlman)

Affect, pain and goal pursuit among adult with chronic pain (with Paul Karoly, Craig Enders, and Howard Tennen)

Using the caregiving system model to explain the resilience-related benefits older adults derive from volunteering (with Stephanie Brown)


Volunteering and mortality: A meta-analysis (with Ellen Yeung and Stephanie Brown)

Friends in high places: God concepts and attitude toward volunteering (with Kathryn Johnson and Adam Cohen)

The interplay of religious affiliation and religious orientation on frequency of religious and secular volunteering (with Kathryn Johnson and Adam Cohen)

Motivation to volunteer and frequency of volunteering: A latent class analysis (with Christian Geiser and Caterina Grano)

Promoting prosociality through the cultivation of a benevolent God-concept, John Templeton Foundation, 2011-2013(with Adam Cohen, PI and Kathryn Johnson)