Writing Guide
Department of History - University of Arizona

An Introduction to Primary Sources


Any history student needs to understand the fundamental difference between primary and secondary sources.

A PRIMARY SOURCE is a piece of evidence from the time period under study, often written by an eyewitness or at least someone living at the time. Primary sources can come in a variety of forms, from written (epics, poems, diaries, court cases, etc.) to archaeological (ruins, temples, paintings, coins, etc.).

A SECONDARY SOURCE analyzes, interprets or discusses the primary source. Secondary sources often use the information from primary sources when examining a topic. Examples of secondary sources include: textbooks, articles, encyclopedias AND the introduction to texts in your sourcebook.

Some tips on how to read (and write about) primary sources:

    The source itself:

What type of source is it?
When was it written?
Who is the author(s): gender, class, nationality, status, religion
Who is the intended audience?
What is the topic of the source? Key terms, major ideas?

    Analyzing the source:

        What is the purpose of the source?
        What does it tell us about:
            -Social structure: citizenship, class, gender, family
            -Politics: type of government? Tyranny, despotism, democracy?
            -Economy: type of economy (agriculture/industrial)? Resources?
            -Military: wars, treaties, technologies?
            -Ideas/values/beliefs: religion, philosophy, equality
        What does the source NOT tell us? What is omitted?

        Why is this document important?
        What vital information does it provide about the society under study?
        What can we learn from this source?

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