Vegetarian Recipes


This recipe started from an idea I heard on NPR's "All Things Considered". The chief chef at Burger King said that their new veggie burgers were bean, carrot and potato based. I developed these spicy, succulent burgers from that idea. This makes 10 - 12 burgers which can be frozen individually for later use. You can use any dried beans you have around, except that black beans make the burgers look a little unappetizing in my opinion. A combo of colors is good.

1 lb any dried beans 2 lb potatoes
2 green chilies 3 hot chilies (jalapenos, etc)
3 carrots 2 onions
4 cloves garlic 2 tbsp Worcester sauce
4 oz butter 3 tbsps olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste


Boil potatoes in salted water. Cook beans according to packet instructions. Slice chilies and hot chilies in half and remove seeds. Cut them into thin strips crosswise. Chop onions and garlic. Heat 2 oz butter and 3 tbsps olive oil in a large heavy pan and fry garlic for 1 minute. Add onions and chilies and sauté until beginning to brown (about 10 min).

Drain beans and potatoes thoroughly then mash them together with the remaining butter and add salt and pepper to taste. Combine with onion mixture and Worcester sauce. Grate raw carrots into mixture. Mix well. Form into burger shapes.

Freeze at this point if required.

Thaw and brush burgers with olive oil. Fry or grill until brown, melting cheese on top if desired. Serve on burger buns with lettuce, tomato, dijon mustard and relish.