Authoritarian - Dictatorial: This type of teacher dictates exactly what to do in a step-by-step manner and offers much direction at each step. They explain art concepts and principles; art history chronologically with slides and reproductions, concern for skill and craftsmanship, student ability to follow directions and be responsible. The teacher offers himself/herself as a model of master artist and art authority. Students rated as low in art ability tend to learn about art via this method (Madeja, 1967; Michael, 101).

Laissez-faire: These teachers allow students to grow and learn on their own with little or no extrinsic help. The teacher offers suggestions andARE496/are496/TOC.htmlARE496/are496/TOC.htmlARE496/are496/TOC.html information when student asks (p. 106). This method is not recommended because teachers are paid to teach not to do their own artwork.

Assigned topic, Student Oriented: The teacher perceives his/her job as motivating students first to express themselves and then develop their abilities and knowledge about art. Teachers are concerned about inspiring students' confidence, creativity, perception, art knowledge, skill/craftsmanship, and attitudes. In this method, teachers and students decide on a topic, art medium, etc. When teaching art history, the teacher tends to select artworks around topics: or periods or styles. Teachers try to emotionalize the experience (p. 103). The might use mariachi music to get students excited about a "Mexican Bullfight," for example. They might ask, "What if. . ." They give an unusual twist tot he topic They praise student artwork in progress with appropriate suggestions and questions.

Media Method: Most min-course that are popular in high school are developed around a certain medium (ceramics, photography). These teachers are concerned with knowledge about a particular art medium and related artists. . They are successful with timing is holding back a surprise such as presented gold overglaze in ceramics or a special paper in printmaking to renew interest (p. 105).

Facilitator Ð Guide: The teacher uses individual or group work. Students decide with teacher upon art experiences and interests based on student-teacher conferences. This method works with students who are self motivated or at an advanced level class. Here students choose their own topic, art media, and plan their study with help of teacher. Good teachers: use dramatic body movements, variations in voice, eye contact, emotive face expressions, lively exception of ideas, project their voices, are enthusiastic. And are professionally dressed (p. 107).

From Michael, John (1983). Chapter 5 "Implementing Art Experiences., Art and Adolescents: Teaching art at the secondary level. New York: Teachers College Press.