Chart Comparing Preadolescents' Drawings and Comments on Dancing





Preferences & Drawings










What kind of dance are you doing?


8th -  4  hip hop

7th- 11 hip hop

8th  - 15 hip hop

7th – 14  combo


hi-hop combinations


Where are you dancing?


8th – 5 my house/room

7th – 4 party; 6 @ Club 54; prop variety


8th - ? floor baseline- & 2patterns-carpets

7th- 14/17 stage [curtain & décor];  3


Imaginative Locations:



When do you usually do this kind of dance?


 8th – existential variety bored/fun/ night

7th- 4 fun, 3 night

8th –3bored or 2 leisure

7th- 3bored, 3party, 3music halls, 2 weekends


Two extreme feelings (happiness and being bored) inspire


What are you wearing?

[jewelry or instrument]


8th -3 disco style

7 mostly regular, 1 poser clothes

8 regular clothes-jeans & tops; black

8th seemed more fashion aware- bell-shaped skirt wedding dress, toxedo.


Casual: jeans & black tops


Why are you dancing?


8th –4 fun

7th - 6fun

emotional not just social

8th- 3like, 3comfortable, 3fun

7th- 9like, 3fun, 2 happy

discharge of energy


Social & single rationale


Who (if anyone) are you dancing with?


8th: varied

7th- 4myself 4, friends

8th 5friends,

7TH 13friends


imaginary: MJ & JL=more teams or groups


Gendered Reactions: Seduction vs. Repulsion


Pop Culture influences

How do you do this dance?


8th- moving to the beat

7th - word-jump 2, beat;

8th -2continuous move; 1Jump move forward backward

7th 5 move my legs and arms (5)



inspiration and beat repetition

Turkish more aware—more moves; liked to demonstrate; face expression


ADD: What song musician group are you dancing to?

ADD: more background props?

ADD: face expression





Gender Differ:

Country differences

Boys not eager.

USA:Confidence boosting

Ordeal over Skin Color

Boys more eager

Students eager to demonstrate; Children love to dance!

WHO” easy to draw upside down WHY?


Not much background-no spatial concerns



Folk dances?


Extra-curricular in school, not drawn; 3 stud. mentioned





Importance hip-hop

Transcultural power of media and popular culture dances!

Students knew movements better that drawing them

intrapersonal intelligence & Interdisciplinary Connections.

style mixing experiment

Warrior Force or rhythmic  beat

Social Protest Hyper-masculinity syndrome.

Materialistic status symbol









Dance has been very popular these days in USA with the TV show “So you Think you Can Dance?  also in Turkey, because of the dance competition organized by one of the TV channels.  It’s amazing the power of media and popular culture dances! Students want to dance with Michael Jackson & Jennifer Lopez?  More family influence for dancing