C++ Program






#include "Unode.h"

#include "Vnode.h"


using namespace std;


void computePVal(double* t, double* count, int numt, double tobs);

void getObservables(int I, int* J, int** n, int** z, double** x, double& tobs, int&

s1obs, int& s2obs, int& s3obs);


//Functions for U

void insertU(list<Unode>* theList, Unode& entry);

void printU(list<Unode>& theList);

void minFeasibleValsU(int I, int* J, int** n, int inow, int jnow, int s1obs, int

s2obs, int& s1min, int& s2min);


//Functions for V should mirror those for U

void insertV(list<Vnode>* theList, Vnode& entry);

void printU(list<Vnode>& theList);

void minFeasibleValsV(int I, int* J, int** n, int inow, int s1obs,

int s2obs, int s3obs, int& s1min, int& s2min, int& s3min);


//General function but needs a rewrite

void computeDistribution(int I, int* J, int** n, double** x, int s1obs, int s2obs,

int s3obs, double tobs);



int main(void)


//observed values of the sufficient statistics

double tobs = -1;

int s1obs = -1;

int s2obs = -1;

int s3obs = -1;


//the total number of primary clusters

int I = 1;

cout << "Enter the number of primary clusters: ";

cin >> I;


//arrays for the various data

int* J = new int[I]; //Vector with the number of secondary clusters in each

primary cluster

int** n = new int*[I]; //number of observations per cluster

int** z = new int*[I]; //number of successes observed per cluster

double** x = new double*[I]; //value of the covariate in each secondary cluster


//To make the algorithm efficient, these should

take values from


//a relatively small discrete set (integers,

half-integers, quarter-ints, etc)


getObservables(I, J, n, z, x, tobs, s1obs, s2obs, s3obs);


computeDistribution(I, J, n, x, s1obs, s2obs, s3obs, tobs);


return 0;

}//end main


void getObservables(int I, int* J, int** n, int** z, double** x, double& tobs, int&

s1obs, int& s2obs, int& s3obs)


for(int i=0; i<I; i++)


cout<< "How many secondary clusters are there in primary cluster " << i <<

"?"<< endl;

cin >> J[i];

n[i]=new int[J[i]];

z[i]=new int[J[i]];

x[i]=new double[J[i]];


for(int j=0; j<J[i]; j++)


cout << "In secondary cluster " << i << "," << j << ", enter the following"

<< endl;

cout << "n: ";

cin >> n[i][j];

cout << "z: ";

cin >> z[i][j];

cout << "x: ";

cin >> x[i][j];




tobs = 0;

s1obs = 0;

s2obs = 0;

s3obs = 0;

for(int i=0; i<I; i++)


int nTot = 0;

int zTot = 0;


for(int j=0; j<J[i]; j++)


s1obs += z[i][j];

s2obs += z[i][j]*(n[i][j]-z[i][j]);

tobs += z[i][j]*x[i][j];

nTot += n[i][j];

zTot += z[i][j];



s3obs += zTot*(nTot-zTot);






void computePVal(double* t, double* count, int numt, double tobs)


double total = 0, sum=0;

for(int ndx = 0; ndx<numt; ndx++)


total += count[ndx];





double pval = sum/total;


cout << "One-sided Pvalue is: " << pval << endl;









void insertU(list<Unode>* theList, Unode& entry)


if((*theList).begin()==(*theList).end()) //A blank list. This case is not

tested in the demo.


Unode toInsert(entry);






list<Unode>::iterator iterU;

iterU = (*theList).begin();

while(entry > *iterU && iterU != (*theList).end())



if(entry == *iterU)


else //entry belongs in front of *iterU...this works even

if iterU is the end.


Unode toInsert(entry);

(*theList).insert(iterU, toInsert);





void printU(list<Unode>& theList)


    for(list<Unode>::iterator iterU=theList.begin(); iterU != theList.end();





void minFeasibleValsU(int I, int* J, int** n, int inow, int jnow, int s1obs,

int s2obs, int& s1min, int& s2min)


int s1poss = 0, s2poss = 0;


//sum the possible values after the current one in this cluster

for(int j = jnow+1; j<J[inow]; j++)


s1poss += n[inow][j]; //the largest possible addition to s1 in that cluster

s2poss += (n[inow][j]*n[inow][j])/4; //the largest possible addition to s2



//sum the possible values in later clusters

for(int i=inow+1; i<I; i++)


for(int j=0; j<J[i]; j++)


s1poss += n[i][j]; //the largest possible addition to s1 in that cluster

s2poss += (n[i][j]*n[i][j])/4; //the largest possible addition to s2




//these are the minimum values at this stage that would make it possible

to eventually reach observeds.

s1min = s1obs - s1poss;

s2min = s2obs - s2poss;







void insertV(list<Vnode>* theList, Vnode& entry)




Vnode toInsert(entry);






list<Vnode>::iterator iterV;

iterV = (*theList).begin();

while(entry > *iterV && iterV != (*theList).end())



if(entry == *iterV)


else         //entry belongs in front of *iterU...this works even if

iterV is the end.


Vnode toInsert(entry);

(*theList).insert(iterV, toInsert);



}//end insertV


void printV(list<Vnode>& theList)


    for(list<Vnode>::iterator iterU=theList.begin(); iterU != theList.end();





void minFeasibleValsV(int I, int* J, int** n, int inow, int s1obs,

    int s2obs, int s3obs, int& s1min, int& s2min, int& s3min)


//note: we don't need a preliminary loop this time since we are at the end

of the primary cluster


int s1poss = 0, s2poss = 0, s3poss = 0;


//sum the possible values in later primary clusters

for(int i=inow+1; i<I; i++)



//Figure out the largest possible addition to s3 from primary cluster i.

int nTot = 0;

for(int j=0; j<J[i]; j++)

nTot += n[i][j];

s3poss += (nTot*nTot)/4;


//Sum the possible values for secondary clusters within the primary cluster

for(int j=0; j<J[i]; j++)


s1poss += n[i][j];

s2poss += (n[i][j]*n[i][j])/4;




//these are the minimum values at this stage that would make it

possible to eventually reach observeds.

s1min = s1obs - s1poss;

s2min = s2obs - s2poss;

s3min = s3obs - s3poss;


}//end getObservables





//***********************Compute Distribution.


void computeDistribution(int I, int* J, int** n, double** x, int s1obs, int

s2obs, int s3obs, double tobs)


//defining V lists and iterator for scanning

list<Vnode> newV;

list<Vnode> oldV;

list<Vnode>::iterator iterV;


//making a base V list before i loop.

Vnode addV;

insertV(&newV, addV);


for(int i=0; i< I; i++)


//making the copy of the V list for next iteration

oldV = newV;

newV = list<Vnode>();


//defining U lists and iterator for scanning

list<Unode> newU;

list<Unode> oldU;

list<Unode>::iterator iterU;


//making a base U list before j loop.

Unode addU;

insertU(&newU, addU);

for(int j=0; j<J[i]; j++)



//copying the U list for next iteration

oldU = newU;

newU = list<Unode>();


for(int z=0; z<=n[i][j]; z++)


//Creating the set of additions to suff statistics if

z[i][j]=z were true

addU = Unode(n[i][j],z,x[i][j]);


//Adding those additions to existing suff statistics

for(iterU = oldU.begin(); iterU != oldU.end(); iterU++)


//the new value if z[i][j]=z after adding

Unode addedU = addU + (*iterU);


//feasibility check...can't easily do minimums here,

so only check maximums

if(addedU.isFeasible(s1obs, s2obs))

insertU(&newU, addedU);


}//end z-loop


//releasing memory, since we have now finished with the i,j-th


second-stage cluster


}//End j loop...Unew is now complete for the ith primary cluster


/****Updating newV using oldV and newV****/


//In order to update, we need the total number of observations in

i-th primary cluster

int nTot = 0;

for(int j=0; j<J[i]; j++)

nTot += n[i][j];


//Loop, one iteration for each element of newU

for(iterU = newU.begin(); iterU != newU.end(); iterU++)


//create that element

Vnode Vadd(*iterU, nTot);


for(iterV = oldV.begin(); iterV != oldV.end(); iterV++)


Vnode addedV = *iterV + Vadd;



//feasibility check

int s1min, s2min, s3min;

minFeasibleValsV(I, J, n, i, s1obs, s2obs, s3obs, s1min, s2min, s3min);


if(addedV.isFeasible(s1obs, s2obs, s3obs, s1min, s2min, s3min))

insertV(&newV, addedV);


}//end iterU loop, done defining newV for the i-th primary cluster


//releasing memory for the next i loop



}//end i loop...Vnew is now complete



//finding the number of terms in the conditional distribution

int numt = 0;

for(iterV = newV.begin(); iterV != newV.end(); iterV++)


if((*iterV).match(s1obs, s2obs, s3obs))




//define vecs to hold condtnl dist...note, count can get too big for

unsigned long long

double* t = new double[numt];

double* count = new double[numt];


//filling out the conditional distribution

int ndx=0;

for(iterV = newV.begin(); iterV != newV.end(); iterV++)


if((*iterV).match(s1obs, s2obs, s3obs))


(*iterV).setDist(t[ndx],count[ndx]); //puts in the value of t,

num for that node





computePVal(t, count, numt, tobs);


}//end computeDistribution







#include "Unode.h"


using namespace std;


Unode::Unode(int numIn)



t = 0;





Unode::Unode(double tin, int s1in, int s2in, double numIn)


count= numIn;






Unode::Unode(int nijk, int zijk, double xijk)


count = choose(nijk, zijk);

t = zijk*xijk;

s1 = zijk;

s2 = zijk*(nijk-zijk);


Unode::Unode(const Unode& entry)


count = entry.count;

t = entry.t;

s1 = entry.s1;

s2 = entry.s2;



bool Unode::operator>(const Unode& entry)



return true;

else if(t==entry.t && s1>entry.s1)

return true;

else if(t==entry.t && s1==entry.s1 && s2>entry.s2)

return true;

return false;



bool Unode::operator==(const Unode& entry)


return (t==entry.t && s1==entry.s1 && s2==entry.s2);





Unode Unode::operator+(const Unode& toAdd)


//Note that the correct thing to do with count is multiply, b/c count

//is counting the ways to get a particular outcome.

Unode sum(t + toAdd.t,s1 + toAdd.s1, s2 + toAdd.s2, count*toAdd.count);

return sum;





void Unode::print(void)


cout << t << " " << s1 << " " << s2 << " " << count << endl;





void Unode::augmentCount(const Unode& augmentor)


        count += augmentor.count;



bool Unode::match(int s1obs, int s2obs)


return (s1==s1obs && s2==s2obs);



void Unode::setDist(double& tSet, double& countSet)


tSet = t;

countSet = count;



double Unode::factorial(int number)


double temp;


if(number <= 1) return 1;


temp = number * factorial(number - 1);

return temp;





double Unode::choose(int top, int bottom)


return (factorial(top)/(factorial(bottom)*factorial(top-bottom)));



bool Unode::isFeasible(int s1obs, int s2obs)


return (s1<=s1obs && s2<=s2obs);



void Unode::setVTerms(double& countIn, double& tIn, int& s1In, int& s2In, int&

s3In, int total)


countIn = count;

tIn = t;

s1In = s1;

s2In = s2;

s3In = s1*(total-s1); //In TeX shorthand, this is equivalent to \sum_j










#include "Vnode.h"

#include "Unode.h"


using namespace std;


Vnode::Vnode(int numIn)



t = 0;






Vnode::Vnode(double tin, int s1in, int s2in, int s3in, double numIn)


count= numIn;







Vnode::Vnode(const Vnode& entry)


count = entry.count;

t = entry.t;

s1 = entry.s1;

s2 = entry.s2;

s3 = entry.s3;



Vnode::Vnode(Unode parent, int total)


parent.setVTerms(count, t, s1, s2, s3, total);



bool Vnode::operator>(const Vnode& entry)



return true;

else if(t==entry.t && s1>entry.s1)

return true;

else if(t==entry.t && s1==entry.s1 && s2>entry.s2)

return true;

else if(t==entry.t && s1==entry.s1 && s2==entry.s2 && s3>entry.s3)

return true;


return false;



bool Vnode::operator==(const Vnode& entry)


return (t==entry.t && s1==entry.s1 && s2==entry.s2 && s3==entry.s3);



Vnode Vnode::operator+(const Vnode& toAdd)


//Note that the correct thing to do with count is multiply, b/c count

//is counting the ways to get a particular outcome.

Vnode sum(t + toAdd.t,s1 + toAdd.s1, s2 + toAdd.s2, s3+ toAdd.s3,


return sum;





void Vnode::print(void)


cout << t << " " << s1 << " " << s2 << " " << s3 << " " << count << endl;




void Vnode::augmentCount(const Vnode& augmentor)


count += augmentor.count;



bool Vnode::match(int s1obs, int s2obs, int s3obs)


return (s1==s1obs && s2==s2obs && s3==s3obs);



void Vnode::setDist(double& tSet, double& countSet)


tSet = t;

countSet = count;



bool Vnode::isFeasible(int s1obs, int s2obs, int s3obs, int s1min, int s2min,

int s3min)


return (s1min<=s1 && s1<=s1obs && s2min<=s2 && s2<=s2obs && s3min<=s3 &&






#ifndef UNODE_H

#define UNODE_H




class Unode


//standard variables

double count; //origninally I had this an int, but it can get too big for

unsigned long long's

double t;

int s1;

int s2;


double factorial(int number);

double choose(int top, int bottom);



Unode(int numIn=1); //makes a list with all zeros except num, set to

numIn...use this to make Unew originally

Unode(double tin, int s1in, int s2in, double numIn); //direct constructor

Unode(int nijk, int zijk, double xijk); //constructor from data

Unode(const Unode& entry);



//methods for navigating lists

bool operator>(const Unode& entry);

bool operator==(const Unode& entry);


//methods for working with lists in the j-loop

Unode operator+(const Unode& toAdd);

void augmentCount(const Unode& augmentor);

bool match(int s1obs, int s2obs);

void setDist(double& tSet, double& countSet);

bool isFeasible(int s1obs, int s2obs);


//method sets terms; to be used in the V constructor. Total needs to

contain the sum of the n[i][j]'s

//for the ith primary cluster (this needs to also be passed into the


void setVTerms(double& countIn, double& tIn, int& s1In, int& s2In, int&

s3In, int total);

void print();








#ifndef VNODE_H

#define VNODE_H


#include "Unode.h"


class Vnode


//standard variables

double count; //origninally I had this an int, but it can get too big

for unsigned long long's

double t;

int s1;

int s2;

int s3;



Vnode(int numIn=1); //makes a list with all zeros except num, set to

numIn...use this to make Unew originally

Vnode(Unode parent, int total); //this takes a Unode parent--presumably

from one primary clusters, and makes Vnode

//the argument total needs to contain the sum of n's in that primary cluster.

Vnode(const Vnode& entry);

Vnode(double tin, int s1in, int s2in, int s3in, double numIn); //direct constructor



bool operator>(const Vnode& entry);

bool operator==(const Vnode& entry);


Vnode operator+(const Vnode& toAdd);

void augmentCount(const Vnode& augmentor);

bool match(int s1obs, int s2obs, int s3obs);

void setDist(double& tSet, double& countSet);

bool isFeasible(int s1obs, int s2obs, int s3obs, int s1min, int s2min,

int s3min);


void print();


