R Program


#R functions for exact clustered logistic regression



#s1calc function

#Calculates the value of sufficient statistic s1 for a given vector zvec


#Input: zvec, vector of observed z-values (sum of successses in cluster)

#Output: s1, real number



s1 = sum(zvec);


} #end s1calc



#s2calc function

#Calculates the value of the sufficient statistic s2 for given vectors

zvec and nvec


#Input: zvec, vector of observed z-values (sum of successes in cluster)

# nvec, number of observations per cluster

#Output: s2, real number


s2calc=function(zvec, nvec){

s2 = sum(zvec*(nvec-zvec));



} #end s2calc



#s3calc function

#Calculates the value of the sufficient statistic s3 for given vectors

zvec, nvec and jvec


#Input: zvec, vector of observed z-values (sum of successes in inner


# nvec, number of observations per inner cluster

# jvec, number of inner clusters per outer cluster

#Output: s3, real number



k = length(jvec); #number of outer clusters

s3 = 0;


count = 1;


for(i in 1:k) #run through all inner


nsum = 0;

zsum = 0;


for(j in count:(count+jvec[i]-1))


nsum = nsum + nvec[j];

zsum = zsum + zvec[j];



s3i = 0;


for(j in count:(count+jvec[i]-1))


s3i = s3i + zvec[j]*(nsum - zsum);



s3 = s3 + s3i;

count = count + jvec[i];

} #end for



} # end s3calc function



#tcalc function

#Calculates the value of sufficient statistic t for a given vector zvec


#Input: zvec, a vector of observed counts for each cluster

# x, a vector of predictor values for each cluster

#Output: t, teh sufficient statsitic for the parameter of interest



t = sum(zvec*x);





#admis function

#Initializes the admissibility test recursion

#Matrix of admissible vectors starts as observed values

#Final output is a matrix whose columns are z-vectors that give the same

sufficient statstics as those observed


#Input: nvec, vector of observations per cluster

# zvec, the vector of observed z-values

#Output: zmatfinal, a matrix whose columns represent admissible vectors



#N is the number of clusters

N = length(nvec);


#s1 and s2 are the observed values of the sufficient statistics

s1 = s1calc(zvec);

s2 = s2calc(zvec,nvec);


#begin with first cluster

k = 1;

n1 = nvec[1];


#initially zmat is the observed vector of values

zmat = zvec;


#run through all possible numbers of successes in first cluster

for(z in 0:n1)




if(N==1) #check case of one cluster


s1current = s1calc(znew);

s2current = s2calc(znew,nvec);


if(s1current==s1 && s2current==s2)


zmat = cbind(zmat,znew);



} #end one cluster check


else #more than one cluster


#apply recursive function to find full admissible vectors

zmat = admisrec(nvec,zmat,znew,s1,s2);

} #zmat will have all admissible vectors beginning with znew added

as columns


} #end for


#zmat will have all admissable vectors for all values of z added as


#observed z-vector will occur twice due to starting the process with

this vector

#zmatfinal has this first vector removed






} #end admis function



#admisrec function

#Recursive function runs through all possible values of z, finds admissible


#Takes initialized zmat from admisinit and returns zmatfinal with all

admissible vectors


#Input: nvec, vector of observations per cluster

# zmat, the vector of observed z-values

# zvec, a (possibly incomplete) vector of z-values

# s1,s2, observed values of sufficient statistics

#Output: zmatfinal, a matrix whose columns represent admissible vectors



N = length(nvec);


#k is the current cluster to be analyzed

k = length(zvec) + 1;

ni = nvec[k];


zmatfinal = zmat; #will be updated throughout function


#run through all possible numbers of successes in cluster i

for(z in 0:ni)


#add new z-value to vector

zvecnew = rbind(zvec,z);


#if this is not a full vector of potential observations, call again

if(length(zvecnew) < N)


zmatfinal = admisrec(nvec,zmatfinal,zvecnew,s1,s2);



else #length=N, zvecnew is a full vector of potential observations


s1current = s1calc(zvecnew);

s2current = s2calc(zvecnew,nvec);


if(s1current==s1 && s2current==s2)


zmatfinal = cbind(zmatfinal,zvecnew);


} #end else

#zmatfinal contains all admissable vectors with z in component i

} #end for


#zmatfinal contains all admissable vectors for all values of z in component i



} #end admisrec function



#extremez function

#Calculates all admissible z-vectors with corresponding t-statistics at

least as large as

# the observed value of t


#Input: zadmis, the matrix of admissible vectors

# nvec, the vector of number of observations per cluster

# z, the observed vector of z-values

# x, the predictor values

#Output: zextremefinal, matrix of desired z-vectors



ncols = dim(zadmis)[2];

tobs = tcalc(z,x);


#initialize answer to include observed values

zextreme = z;


for(i in 1:ncols) #run through all admissible vectors


zcurrent = zadmis[,i];

tcurrent = tcalc(zcurrent,x);


if(tcurrent >= tobs)


zextreme = cbind(zextreme,zcurrent);


} #end for


#remove first column; observed z-values are recorded twice

zextremefinal = zextreme[,2:dim(zextreme)[2]];



} #end extremez function



#comprod function

#Calculates product of combinations used in conditional probability



#Input: nvec, vector of observations per cluster

# zvec, a vector of counts for each cluster

#Output: prod, the desired product




N = length(nvec);


for(i in 1:N)


prod = prod*(choose(nvec[i],zvec[i]));




} #end comprod function



#pcalc function

#Calculates the p-value for test of beta=0 vs beta>0

#Input: zadmis, matrix of admissible z-values

# nvec, number of observations for each cluster

# z, counts for each cluster

# x, observed predictor values for each cluster

#Output: p, p-value for the hypothesis test above



#calculate denominator


nadmis = dim(zadmis)[2];


for(i in 1:nadmis)


denom = denom + comprod(nvec, zadmis[,i]);



#calculate numberator

zextreme = extremez(zadmis,nvec,z,x);


nextreme = dim(zextreme)[2];


for(i in 1:nextreme)


num = num + comprod(nvec,zextreme[,i]);



p = num/denom;



} #end pcalc function



#admis2 function


########### For two-level problem #################


#Initializes the admissibility test recursion

#Matrix of admissible vectors starts as observed values

#Final output is a matrix whose columns are z-vectors that give the

same sufficient statistics as those observed


#Input: nvec, vector of observations per cluster

# zvec, the vector of observed z-values

# jvec, number of inner clusters in each outer cluster

#Output: zmatfinal, a matrix whose columns represent admissible vectors



#N is the number of inner clusters

N = length(nvec);


#s1, s2, and s3 are the observed values of the sufficient statistics

s1 = s1calc(zvec);

s2 = s2calc(zvec,nvec);

s3 = s3calc(zvec,nvec,jvec);


#begin with first cluster

k = 1;

n1 = nvec[1];


#initially zmat is the observed vector of values

zmat = zvec;


#run through all possible numbers of successes in first cluster

for(z in 0:n1)




if(N==1) #check case of one cluster


s1current = s1calc(znew);

s2current = s2calc(znew,nvec);

s3current = s3calc(znew,nvec,jvec);


if(s1current==s1 && s2current==s2 && s3current==s3)


zmat = cbind(zmat,znew);



} #end one cluster check


else #more than one cluster


#apply recursive function to find full admissible vectors

zmat = admisrec2(nvec,zmat,znew,jvec,s1,s2,s3);

} #zmat will have all admissible vectors beginning with znew added

as columns


} #end for


#zmat will have all admissible vectors for all values of z added

as columns

#observed z-vector will occur twice due to starting the process

with this vector

#zmatfinal has this first vector removed






} #end admis2 function



#admisrec2 function


########### For two-level problem #################


#Recursive function runs through all possible values of z, finds

admissible vectors

#Takes initialized zmat from admisinit and returns zmatfinal with

all admissible vectors


#Input: nvec, vector of observations per cluster

# zmat, the vector of observed z-values

# zvec, a (possibly incomplete) vector of z-values

# jvec, number of inner clusters in each outer cluster

# s1,s2,s3, observed values of sufficient statistics

#Output: zmatfinal, a matrix whose columns represent admissible vectors



N = length(nvec);


#k is the current cluster to be analyzed

k = length(zvec) + 1;

ni = nvec[k];


zmatfinal = zmat; #will be updated throughout function


#run through all possible numbers of successes in cluster i

for(z in 0:ni)


#add new z-value to vector

zvecnew = rbind(zvec,z);


#if this is not a full vector of potential observations, call again

if(length(zvecnew) < N)


zmatfinal = admisrec2(nvec,zmatfinal,zvecnew,jvec,s1,s2,s3);



else #length=N, zvecnew is a full vector of potential observations


s1current = s1calc(zvecnew);

s2current = s2calc(zvecnew,nvec);

s3current = s3calc(zvecnew,nvec,jvec);


if(s1current==s1 && s2current==s2 && s3current==s3)


zmatfinal = cbind(zmatfinal,zvecnew);


} #end else

#zmatfinal contains all admissable vectors with z in component i

} #end for


#zmatfinal contains all admissable vectors for all values of z in component i



} #end admisrec2 function