Instructions for Peer Review

Print out a copy of these instructions before beginning. Please closely follow the instructions below when reviewing a paper. Note that your participation grade for this week will be determined by the thoroughness with which you review your assigned papers.

Remember to save your work as you are editing.

You will need to bring two printed copies of the edited paper to class on Thursday. Failure to do so will result in a penalty to your paper and a zero for participation this week.

The Thesis Statement

  1. Open the document. Delete the text on the first page (i.e. the thesis and topic sentences provided by the author). On the first line type your name, on the second type the name of the student whose paper you are reviewing. Follow this with "Assumed thesis:" and "Actual thesis:"
  2. Give the paper a quick read-through. Do not concentrate on finding problems, merely attempt to get the thrust of the paper. Write what you think the thesis of the paper is in one sentence on the cover page (after "Assumed thesis").
  3. Copy the thesis sentence (last sentence of the first paragraph) to the cover page (after "Actual thesis").
  4. Does the thesis contained within the paper match with that you got from your initial reading of the paper? If not, let the author know and figure out what the discrepancy is. Type your suggestions on the cover page.
  5. Does the thesis state the obvious (not desirable) or is it arguable (desirable)? Could the reader reasonably disagree with it (desirable)? Comment on this as needed.

At this stage, the first page of the paper should look like:



Assumed thesis: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. [From Step 2]

Actual thesis: Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. [From Step 3]

Comments from Step 4

Comments from Step 5

The Close Reading

From here on in, you will be adding comments directly into the paper. If possible, use the commenting features of your software (Track Changes / Comment), otherwise make all additions and comments in ALL CAPS.


For each body paragraph


