Treasure of the Sierra Cobre: A Cooperative Chemistry-Geology Laboratory Investigation

Jim Birk

Arizona State University

Treasure of the Sierra Cobre: A Cooperative Chemistry-Geology Laboratory Investigation

Cooperative Lab

Formation of a Porphyry Copper Deposit

Formation of a Porphyry Copper Deposit

Formation of a Porphyry Copper Deposit

PP Presentation

Geology Students

Geologic Map of Rocks Exposed in the Exploration Area

PP Presentation

Geological Cross-Sections of the Exploration Area

Geological Cross-Sections of the Exploration Area

Geological Cross-Sections of the Exploration Area

PP Presentation

PP Presentation

PP Presentation

PP Presentation

PP Presentation

Chemistry Students



CBL Colorimeter


Procedure for Dissolving Cu

Procedure for Dissolving Cu

Colorimetric Analysis

Colorimetric Analysis

Test of Procedure to Analyze for Copper in Ore Samples

% Cu in samples of chrysocolla

Other Ores

% Cu in Typical Ores