Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 09:33:28 -0700 (MST) From:

To: "12:15"Some notes on the group eval. assignment, the paper # 1 evaluation assignment and misc.

Weakness with some group papers: opinions with no proof or support, criteria weak, lacking or not clearly stated.

Remember that in persuasive writing you always need to give a clearly stated claim + reasons +support. X is a good Y, because.. .

Evaluation: X is or is not a good Y (What is your X, what is your Y?)

Evaluation papers should:

clearly define the issue, state the criteria by which you evaluate the situation or issue (this is vital. Make sure you have chosen valid criteria).

Evaluations tend to show effects NOT causes

The writer must bring up, and reply to their opposition

Further Notes: I can't accept essays without your photocopied articles. (at least 3, four to five page articles)

We use MLA style. Find the style rules in your book, in the chapter about using sources (Chapter 22) **There are two style sheets, APA and MLA, be sure to use MLA.

NB (Nota Bene Latin for Note Well): It's very hard to develop an argument strategy unless you've done quite a bit of reading about your subject--before you pick the three articles you will finally use.

Sources: keep in mind that not all internet,(or print) sources are reliable.Usually you will have good luck with gov. edu. and org. but organizations (org.) can tend to show a very biased, slanted perspective. Check your sources, and if you are in doubt, or the sources are not provided, DON'T USE THEM!! Better to be safe than stick you neck out with facts that you can't prove.

NB: Those of you who aren't doing the homework are depriving yourselves of my comments. This is the only way I have of intervening if you are going astray in your work. By the time I'm grading the paper, it's too late to give any input, other than a grade.

That's all for now, jvan