WAC 101 Peer Editing: Reflective Mid-Term Letter
Today, choose a partner that was in your editing group for WP1 or 2.


Peer Editor_____________________

1) Does the thesis announce what the author will discuss?______What does the author say s/he will discuss?____________________________________________


2) Does the author discuss hir strengths and weaknesses? What does the author identify as strengths?_________________________________________________


Does the author give examples of strength and weakness from WP1 & 2?

What examples does the author give? Please list

3) What kinds of rhetorical knowledge does the author discuss?

4) How does the author show that s/he is meeting the goals set out in the outcomes statement?

5) Does the author seems comfortable using rhetorical terms? Please give several examples.

6) Does the author's conclusion make a statement about hir rhetorical progress?___

7) In a two paragraph closed form essay comment on whether or not you agree with the author's estimation of hir writing progress, and why.