Statistics on the Sharp EL-W535

Statistics with single list of data points each with frequency 1 Statistics with data points from a frequency distribution
Get into statistics mode:

(you will see <MODE> at the top of the screen) (you will see <<STAT-1>> at the top of the screen) (you will see Stat 0 [SD] at the top of the screen).

Clear previous data:


Enter the data:
ress first data number
You will see DATA SET=1 at the bottom of the screen.

Press second data number

You will see DATA SET=1 at the bottom of the screen.

Continue until you have entered all the data and have DATA SET=# where # is the total number of data points.

Calculating mean and standard deviation

Press the   (above ) = to see the number of total data points.

Press the
(above ) to see the mean

Press the (above ) to see the standard deviation

Get into statistics mode:

(you will see <MODE> at the top of the screen) (you will see <<STAT-1>> at the top of the screen) (you will see Stat 0 [SD] at the top of the screen).

Clear previous data:


Enter the data points:
Press first data number

Press the number in the frequency column
You will see n=1.

Press second data number
Press the number in the frequency column

You will see n=2.

Continue until you have entered all the data and have n=# where # is the number of the different values you put in.

Calculating mean and standard deviation

Press the   (above ) = to see the number of total data points.

Press the
(above ) to see the mean

Press the (above ) to see the standard deviation