Magazine Cover Page

While I was searching for a topic and a photo for my magazine cover I came across many sites that were "ANTI" immigrants. My magazine cover and the accompanying articles were a mock of what one an ANTI's magazine and articles would look like.


Lock the Door!                                                                                                        Diane Harnage

We’ve got to stop the influx of immigrants                                                      03/11/03


There is an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants living here in the United States. The strain this puts on our economy is insurmountable. As undocumented they either are working “under the table” for the corrupt businesses that exploit them. This means they do not pay any Federal, State or local income taxes, nor they do contribute to the national Social Security or Medicaid programs. Some will get false social security cards printed with their name and with valid numbers that just happen to belong to someone else. This causes great undue hardship for the true owner of that number. The Internal Revenue Service gets a copy of a W-2 that says wages are being reported under that social security number, they send a letter to the real person accusing them of falsifying their tax returns by eliminating these wages. It then falls on to the true owner of the social security number to prove they did not earn those wages.

Other costs to our society include emergency services, education, welfare programs.

They get ill but wait until they are really in bad shape and ten go to the hospital emergency room where they are either diagnosed as being dehydrated because they work outside and don’t take enough water with them or they are found to have something that could have easily been treated in a non-emergency setting. Either way they do not ever pay the medical costs and as a result our insurance costs go even higher. They get in automobile accidents but since they don’t have drivers licenses or insurance the costs fall back on the legitimate parties and our auto insurance rates go up. They put their children in our schools that are supported by property taxes that they don’t pay because they are not homeowners. In school their children take away the quality of education our children should be getting because the immigrants need special attention because they can’t speak English. They get on welfare programs that reward them for having larger families. The more people in the household the more foodstamps they get. If they are pregnant they get WIC. A program that gives free food to women who have no idea how to eat properly to provide the necessarily nutrition for their unborn children. We have got to put a halt to this influx of illegals that do nothing but put a stain on or economy making it increasingly difficult for Americans to maintain their standard of living.


Is Your Job in Jeopardy?

Do you think your job is secure? Think again. As more companies depend on cheap, immigrant labor they are able to eliminate or greatly reduce the salaries of those who supervise the workforce. More and more companies are re-locating to where the cheap labor is concentrated. You may feel secure working for a large manufacturing plant here in the big city but these plants are finding it cost effective to move to rural areas where there are less jobs available to unskilled workers so as the new company in town can dominate the employment opportunities. They will have no need to relocate you since they can find someone else that will accept cheaper wages. We need to keep our finger on the pulse of the job market to insure Americans are not getting slighted any more.


Join Homeland Security

There are things that American citizens can do to help alleviate the immigrant population problem. Attend city council meetings and express your concerns. Do not patronize any establishments that hire immigrants. Don’t go to restaurants that use them as cooks or busboys. Hire American licensed contractors to care for your lawn, your pool, your children. Don’t shop in stores where they use immigrants to stock their shelves or check your order out. The most beneficial thing that you can do for Homeland Security is to report any establishments that appear to have a lot of illegals employed. Let the government investigate and shut them down.


Next Issue: New technology available to the Border Patrol

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