My Family Object

By Kris Blackburn

You have to understand that talking about older generations of my family is a touchy subject. My mom doesn’t even know that much of her grand parents. Because from what she says they never talked about it when she was young. My nanas parents are almost like myths then actual people. They died when my mom was merely a baby and there’s not much information or artifacts about them. This is one of only a handful of things that has been in my family for any sort of time.  The artifact that I brought to show the class is from my great grandmother Ida, on my mother’s side.

It is some kind of soup terrine. From what I understand this soup terrine has been in my family nearly a hundred years. This soup terrain was given to her by my great grandfather Edward J. Edwards who is from Wales a part of great Brittain.  Research shows that whales have many Celtic ties. I’m not sure if my grandmother was from Wales or from America, I wasn’t able to find out.  

 This artifact means beauty and hard work to my mom, because my great grandfather did not have a lot of money working as a cool miner in a small town in West Virginia; after migrating to America in the late 1800’s.  My great grandparents lived in a small home that he built themselves out of love and desire. This is one thing that has been in my mom’s family for generations and back in time to a different place and a different way of life.  With my grandmother sick and my grandfather gone for sometime now this is one thing my mom has to remember were she comes from. Kris Blackburn