Protect Arizona Now


A.        Title of agency or organization?

B.        Where is home base (city/state/country)?

All of Arizona

C.        Date founded?

March 2004

D.        Names of key spokespersons/officers

Corporation Commissioners: Mike Gleason, Jeff Hatch-Miller, and Bill Mundell.
County Attorney: Andrew Thomas

E.        What/who is key constituency or audience?

They want to protect the common taxpayer of paying for medical and other expenses for illegal aliens.

F.        What are the agency’s main activities?

Their main activities include garage sales, radio promotions, surveys, and other marketing tools to spread their views to the state.

G.        Mission statement? (you may quote mission statement if available; use quotation marks!)

“A citizens' initiative to require proof of citizenship to register to vote, photo ID to vote, and proof of eligibility for non-federally mandated public benefits.”

H.        What are the key im/migration issues of concern to this agency?

They strongly believe that there should be a more strict application process to help the lower class people. They feel that agencies do a bad job on verifying if the persons are legal aliens.

I.        As best as you can determine, on what evidence/sources/research/community does this agency base its informational statements issued, press releases, reports, etc.?

They base their information on local and national polls. They have statistics and other sources from books and magazines. They also intake information from the people of Arizona in a question and answer section.

J.        Any publications? (what types, sample titles; if online, give links)

A few publications include, “Efforts Against Illegal’s Broaden” of the Washington Times; “Prop 200 Now in Arizona” by the Arizona Republic; and “Vasquez Embarking on Dangerous Path” by Dr. Michael Sherr.

K.        Give at least one citation about this agency from a newspaper article (preferably an Arizona newspaper). Use a citation index to research this e.g., Lexis Nexis, available from the Migration Course Web Page made by the Fletcher Library: Briefly state what the article is about, and provide a quote from the article that includes the agency’s name and gives a good idea of this agency’s perspective on im/migration. Note: not a quote from agency’s own web site!

This article sheds some light on what to do after the Prop 200 passed for those who had unanswered questions.
It is a special report that can be found in The Arizona Republic or online at
“Goddard, for example, did not address the impact of Proposition 200 on voting in Arizona. The initiative would require all Arizonans to show proof of citizenship to register to vote and to show an ID when casting a ballot in person. That provision must be cleared by the U.S. Department of Justice”.

L.        Any other issues of interest about the agency?

No, they basically want the common tax payer to pay for Americans and not illegal’s.

M.        Is the agency noticeably pro or con immigration? (You may need to determine this from “reading around” in its position papers, press releases, news reports, etc)

They are definitely against immigration.

N.        Web site? Give URL